Wednesday, June 01, 2005

"Coin-gate" in Ohio?

Good Morning Everyone,
hope the day is off to a good start for all.
Just as one of the most integral parts of the 1970's Watergate scandal reveals itself, there seems to be some sort of developing story coming out of Ohio, by all appearances it seems to have been goin' on for some time, though I sure haven't heard anything about it on the news. I know all about the so-called "Runaway Bride" we talked about yesterday, and more than I ever wanted to know about the Michael Jackson trial testimony, but not a word about the Ohio story. I admit I don't know much about the story, but was surprised to see so much investigative work and follow-up information posted on a Toledo newspaper's web site (thanks to Meta-filter). Here's what I heard so far, the story appears to involve some sort of investment in rare coins in Ohio. Could this become the latest of the so-called "-gate" nicknamed stories that appear from time-to-time? For all intents and purposes, we'll refer to it as a possible "Coin-gate in Ohio".


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