Later Leona....

Gone at age 87, Leona Helmsley leaves behind a story of someone born to a working class Brooklyn family, who rose to millionaire status by marrying rich guys then divorcing them. By all accounts, Leona didn't keep her memories of how it was to be a regular person, claiming to be "above the little people." Yep, she was referring to just about everyone who didn't have a Park Avenue address.
Often referred to as "the queen of mean", she gained a reputation for being mean spirited towards those who worked for her, with some saying she'd fire a person just because she was in a bad mood. It's also been said that she sued her daughter-in-law after her son's death for money she said was owed to her, though the wife claimed she knew nothing about any loans made to her late husband. In the end of that matter, she left her daughter-in-law and grandchildren nearly penniless.
Now, I dunno just how credible the stories are about her, I dunno if she was really as mean as they say, but her picture doesn't exactly show a person glowing with the sunshine of happiness. If it's all true, then she would exemplify the worst that money can do to a person. If it's not true, then she's one of the most misunderstood people in New York history.
Though it's not my place to judge, I hope she made her peace with God before her time came.
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