Thursday, June 23, 2005

Social "In"security

Good afternoon to all,
hope the day is goin' well for you.

Today, I was watching the news and saw a speech being given to younger people, the topic was Social Security and how it won't be there for them in the future. Ahhh, it's always nice to give hope to the youth of America. *LOL I don't like people trying to scare the heck out of youngsters, (and I don't believe they are being told the complete story) of course some will give it thought and be swayed into a mindset that Social Security is something that doesn't apply to them, I believe that will make future plans for dismantling Social Security all the more easy, as indoctrination of the young into believing there is no hope for the system will take root and votes or support will follow when those young people come to voting age. The Social Security Trust Fund could remain solvent if: so much money wasn't being sent to other countries (gotta take care of problems here first, and even a 1 or 2% reduction across the board would make a huge difference), and if Social Security money wasn't used for other things than what was intended (raiding the Social Security Trust Fund coffers is bad, and what's worse is making a case about the system being on it's way to insolvency after spending the money on other things, that just implies no intention of repaying the money). Surely the contributions from each and every working person in America could support the system, especially if past money was returned to the trust fund, imagine the bazillions of dollars which have flowed into the Social Security Trust Fund since it's inception during the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, nobody can convince me that all that money was paid out with the small Social Security checks our seniors receive each month. The years to come might pose a problem, as the "baby-boomers" will be hitting retirement age, and the money will be more needed than at almost any time in our history, but the problem isn't with the money not being enough, the problem is where did the money go, and for what projects? I believe that the problem lies with accountability rather than solvency. If congress really wants Social Security reform, the place to start would be legislation forbidding the use of Social Security Trust Fund money for anything other than paying Social Security. Just the view of someone who saw their grandma try to make ends meet on a small check each month, please don't allow America's seniors to be put in a position where they can't make ends meet, entering their retirement years only to be greeted by the stress of financial worry.


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