Monday, June 20, 2005

Battleships to Aruba?

Good afternoon to all,
hope your Monday is going well.

I've been hearing word on television news (mostly FOX network, but now some internet) for a call upon the navy to send a battleship to cruise international waters off the coast of Aruba. "Huh?", was my reaction when I heard that suggestion, but it's not as far fetched as it seemed (I guess). It appears a review of history shows that in the time of Theodore Roosevelt, naval warships were sent to an area where an American was being held against their will, as a sign of American solidarity in mutual interest. With the media storm that has followed the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, I wouldn't be surprised to see news footage of a battleship or some other sort of naval presence near the island. In these days of television politics, it would be a moment that would gain much press, and could give the appearance that the American government has taken an interest in the case coming to some sort of resolution. With the upcoming Senate election on the way, it could spur votes (particularly in the South) and create a small gain in support for the administration. I'm not writing this with support for battleships to Aruba, nor am I in support of using a tragic event to gain a political edge, but as a realist I do believe that this action could very well occur. I still hope for a good outcome in the Holloway disappearance case, but as time drags on it becomes more difficult. Perhaps a battleship off the Aruban coast might serve to cut through the increasing level of Aruban defiance that has been shown to the girl's family, and reporters on the island. I heard recent mention of the Aruban Public Information Officer calling for a ban of information to be given to reporters, not just on information relating to the case, but any information pertaining to the island. So, I'm kinda torn between how such a move of naval presence might help the family, and how the move would be an exploitation of a tragic event for media coverage. I dunno, but I am interested in hearing what you might think, let us know what you think about this possibility, is it justified or would it be just wrong?


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