Pack Rat

hope your day was a good one!
Something stinks in Wisconsin,
and it ain't the cheese!
The stinkiness in question appears to be the crummy play of late, by what was once one of the greatest football teams in the NFL, the Greenbay Packers. This season "The Pack", with a season record of 1 win and 6 losses, is tied with what has been called "the worst team in the NFL" the Houston Texans. You would think a coach would occupy his thoughts with strategies intent on improvement, but not Coach Mike Sherman, the ol' "Pack Rat" himself, he's worried about cell phones.
During a Wednesday press conference, Coach Sherman had a meltdown while the cameras rolled, when a cameraman's cell phone went off while he was speaking. Shermie ended the press conference on the spot, admonishing the cameraman and other members of the press for "lack of respect". Ahem, isn't the man just a football coach? Last time I checked, the only place a person really needs to worry is in court if their cell phone happens to ring. To worry about ticking off a losing football coach who will most likely be losing his job, well... that doesn't seem to be as high of a priority in the "better not make him mad" category.
When ya think of it, couldn't it be that the coach was hoping for something, anything at all, to get him out of yet another press conference (which have become increasingly more hostile)? Perhaps when the phone rang he went for the chance to weasel his way out, rather than continue to squirm under the pressure of questions from the sporting press. Someone please put this man out of his misery, and give him a good long rest in a nice quiet place, I believe he needs to be released, the sooner the better.
Consider the legacy of Brett Favre, who has performed admirably during his tenure with the NFL and the Packers, the man is a great quarterback. I don't believe Brett should have to enter into the twilight of his career while playing for a coach whose priorities are so far out of whack, where he should go out in a blaze of glory, the direction Coach Sherman has taken the team has reduced Brett to going out with a whimper.
I can't wait to see how the press deals with ol' Shermhead, it's one thing to have a bit of clout when your team is doing well, and having a winning season, exceptions are made, and respect comes easy. But, when the team's season is in the tank, and the coach lashes out at the press, retribution comes quickly. To the sportswriters of America, I say, "Tell us what you really think, show no mercy!"
Too often professional athletes or the coaches of the teams, take themselves way too seriously, all the while not taking the luck of their situation and circumstance into consideration. They play or work for the amusement and entertainment of the fans, nothing more. When the fans stop caring, or turn their attention toward someone who has forgotten the true nature of the games, the outcome usually isn't in favor of the player or coach "gone wild". Much can be said for the humblest of players and coaches, they may not make headlines as often, but they gain the admiration and respect of the fans. Someone needs to remind Coach Sherman that respect is earned, never demanded, perhaps if he learned that fact sooner his team wouldn't have such a dismal record.
In an odd sidenote, it so happens that Coach Sherman has an endorsement deal with Cellcom, they sponsor his weekly talk show. Hmmm... I wonder if the guys at Cellcom heard about this?
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