
Good morning to all,
hope your Monday is going well.
For those of us residing near the Gulf of Mexico, all I can say is "Make way for Wilma!" Which wouldn't be so bad if it were the Wilma we all grew up with on reruns of the Flintstones, but isn't so good when it's the name of another storm projected to become a major hurricane.
How the heck did we make it all the way to the "W" in the storm names list? Yes folks, we've come to the end of the names list, and since hurricane season runs until the end of November, we're likely to see Greek alphabet names being used real soon (Alpha, Beta, Theta, etc...), which should sound a bit odd. Interested in tracking this latest storm? We have a Tropical Weather Tracking link in our links list, where you'll find all sorts of useful information. From the looks of things so far, and this is still early in the computer model estimated tracks, within 5 days the storm could be headed to somewhere near the panhandle area of Florida, though it is still too early for the computer models to narrow enough to know exactly where the storm is going. For those of you near the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico, I suggest buying your supplies and filling up your car early to avoid the rush, nothing wrong with being stuck with a few cases of bottled water, batteries, bags of ice, or a stockpile of non perishable food if the storm doesn't effect your area, as we'll all most likely use them in time, or if you're feeling nice you can donate them to a church pantry for families in need, it's a win-win situation either way. Once the projected storm track towards a particular area is announced on the news, the rush to grocery stores and gas stations will be on, and it's no fun waiting in those kind of lines in a time when other matters about the house and family also need time and attention. Anyone out there who might have questions regarding the storm, please feel welcome to leave a comment and ask! Nah, I'm not saying I know all there is to know, not even close by any means, but I will be happy to do all I can to help you search to find an answer. The way I see it, nobody should have to go through one of these big storms alone, I sure know how that can be. So remember, we'll always be here to help if needed.
hi ny hope you are well,reading about the storms and they being caused by global warming melting of the ice caps etc, i came across this bit of wit from a guy in uk i thought you might like,it goes like this. "The Bush administration is arguing that the (polar)ice caps are not melting,rather the water is being liberated". keep making me smile dan.
Hi Dan,
That was a good one!
Though scary as it does actually sound like something "Bush & Co." might say.
Doing good out here, thanks, hope things are going well out there for you and your family.
Thanks for visiting,
Have a good day!
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