Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Possession of Bill Bennet

Good evening to all,

What's going on with Bill Bennett? Tourettes? Just having a bad day? Maybe he's possessed like that girl in a movie not long ago? If you consider that the Republican party has been selling itself as the party of the faithful, possession might be the way to go in explaining the comments made by the former cabinet member to the Reagan and Bush (the father's) administrations. Why isn't the "Right to Life" crowd up in arms about one of their own "raising a hypothetical" that went something like this:

"I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down."

Huh? Whaaaaaat?!
My eyes bugged out when I heard that "hypothetical" mentioned in this day and age. I'm not naive enough to believe that racism doesn't still exist, just that I haven't heard it mentioned so blantantly. In fairness, here's his explanation of what he said:

If somebody thought I was advocating that, they ought to be angry. I'd be angry. I was putting forward a hypothetical proposition, put that forward, examined it, and then said about it that it's morally reprehensible – to recommend abortion of an entire group of people in order to lower your crime rate is morally reprehensible. But this is what happens when you argue that the ends can justify the means.

C'mon now, surely he can come up with something better than just citing a few disclaimer words sprinkled amongst the point he was trying to make. Quoting the "abortion is murder" platform of the Right to Life crowd, wouldn't that have him hypothetically proposing the genocide of an entire people based on race?

All I can say is YIKES!

I have a hypothetical proposition of my own....
If only Mr. Bennett's dad had worn a condom one night a long time ago, let's put that forward and examine it... Hmmm, I guess I wouldn't be typing this right now.


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