Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Speech

Good evening to all,

Tonight I heard the president's speech, it was a hopeful speech, and a promising speech, but it was a bit of a late speech, a knee-jerk reaction speech, a C.Y.A. kinda speech. He did shoulder the responsibility for the shortcomings on the part of the federal response, but is that actually newsworthy? Since the days of Truman, the presidency has been held to the standard of "the buck stops here", so of course he bears the brunt of responsibility. Times can't always be good, but if things had gone exceptionally well in the aftermath, the administration would have basked in the glow of a job well done, since things didn't go well at all, the responsibilty goes up there as well, it's a two way street. I don't blame them for all, as that would be unrealistic, but I do consider them responsible for the slow process of getting federal aid into the area, the bureaucratic snafu (that is still taking place to this day), and what occurred as a result. One more thing I was wondering, where does the accent go? I hear the voice twangin' during visits to the South, or states where a drawl or country-type accent is found, during the times when the podium jokes are flyin', or during the times when he wants to sound like "just one of the guys", but at certain times it disappears, where does it go? I've never heard a more part-time accent, except for that of Madonna when she wants to sound British. *LOL


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