Cops to Pirro... "Shut up!"

There are many ways to get to the United States Senate, hard work, earning the trust of the people, taking up good causes for the sake of the community, of course there's always the sneaky angle to finding a way in, but we'll keep our minds on the way things should be. Consider the case of Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, probably best known for her bid to run against Senator Hilary Clinton in the 2006 New York Senatorial Race. Like any political hopeful, she knows where to be at the right time to get her picture taken, but apparently doesn't know how to conduct herself at a funeral.
At the funeral for slain New York police officer Daniel Enchautegui, while New York's finest were standing tall, and straight at attention formation (the blue line) to honor him, while pallbearers carried his casket from the church for his final ride in procession to the cemetary, Jeanine Pirro, apparently more involved in her conversation with State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno (R), broke the silence and solemnity of the moment by giggling and chatting it up in an inappropriate volume. It was mentioned that many of the officers showed their disapproval for her lack of respect on their faces, but none more than one ranking New York officer who broke formation and chose to speak up, telling Ms. Pirro to "Shut up!". Knowing she had been "busted", she quickly straightened up her act, ending her apparently humorous conversation, and putting on a mournful face of concern and compassion, as only an aspiring career politician can.
The New York Daily News interviewed several officers following the incident, with several uttering such quotes as these: "she shoulda kept her mouth shut and shown some respect", "it was bad timing, everyone was waiting for the family to leave, the family was trying to be strong, we were all still in formation, it was out of line."
It truly was out of line.
If Ms. Pirro didn't really feel the need to be there to honor a fallen police officer who gave his life in performance of his duties to the city which he served, then she should have stayed home. Her actions prove she regarded the ceremony as not much more than a photo opportunity, a chance to be seen with leaders of her city and state, and a chance to be seen at an event that gained national attention by circumstance of one of those accused being an actor.
There truly are many ways to make it to the United States Senate, making a spectacle of oneself by giggling at a funeral isn't one of them.
Obviously, she doesn't give a rat's behind about the deceased. True, she doesn't know him, but if she wants to go to the funeral then she ought to at least be representing her county office, which is the only legitimate reason to be there.
To be honest, Hillary is too far to the right for me (I like your other Senator better), but it is obviously the case that the Republicans don't have a prayer with this 'Bozo-in-heels,' (or did she wear sneakers to the funeral too-- sounds like she might even be tacky enough to do that).
Then again, though:
Considering that Republicans are willing to ship dead soldiers home as freight on commercial airliners, I guess we shouldn't be surprised about this.
And the no-bid contract to handle the recovery and disposal of the bodies of Hurricane Katrina was given to Kenyon international, a firm whose President is a large GOP contributor and which has been implicated in body dumping, the re-use of tombs, cramming mutliple bodies into the same grave.
You don't think that preserving the dignity of dead people and their families matters to people who only claim to be religious but are really about making a buck, do you?
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