Poor ol' Kong

Looks like Kong is back, but will the movie going public buy the story once again? If first day box-office totals have anything to say, perhaps not. I'm not saying the movie won't make lots of money, as lots of money was sunk into the project, big-time movie director Peter Jackson was brought on board, and there's always the hope of overseas totals.
(if you aren't familiar with the story of King Kong, and wish to see the movie, please stop reading)
However, is it just me, or am I the only one who is on Kong's side throughout the entire movie? I remember the first time I saw the Kong story as a kid, and wondered why those guys didn't just leave the big ape alone. I still dunno why the story struck me as a bit sad, rather than as an exciting man vs. giant ape fight, even in my youth I remember thinking to myself, "his big furry butt wouldn't be on that building if that dumb guy hadn't dragged him over there". *LOL* Then comes the moment when the big ape falls, struck down by a hail of gunfire, his big heart beating loudly, then slower, and slower, until it stops, Kong is dead. Ok, I admit it, that movie still makes me mad, they should have just left him kongin' around on that island.
I wonder what Jackson's adaptation of the story will be? Though I don't wonder enough to run out to the theater to see for myself. I'll most likely wait until the DVD is available for rent, or until it comes on satellite television. I hear the movie is over 3 hours long, and that's alot of Kong for anyone to sit through.
If anyone does happen to see the movie, please send us a comment and let us know what you thought.
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