Hood Rat

hope your day is going well.
Cast your attention to the man on the left,
well, he may not be as "left minded" as we might have thought, people are beginning to wonder if 50 Cent has gone Republican. Is it true? Has 50 Cent sold out to the man? Perhaps.
Dunno who 50 Cent is? Well, let me tell ya,
50 Cent is a rapper, former drug dealer and inmate, and former hospital patient due to "lead poisoning" (if you know what I mean?) That's probably why the man enjoys wearing a bullet proof vest most of the time, has a bomb proof car, and has that big handgun shown in the picture.
In what might be the strangest of the so-called rap feuds, one of the latest is between 50 Cent and Kanye West, over comments made by Kanye during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. "George Bush doesn't care about black people", Mr. West said during a hurricane relief telethon appearance, but 50 Cent won't have any of that. "I think people responded to it the best way they can", "What Kanye West was saying, I don't know where that came from", "The New Orleans disaster was meant to happen, it was an act of God.", said 50 Cent during a series of comments given in a magazine interview. So, let me get this straight, according to this gun toting multi-millionaire, don't blame Bush, he did his best, blame God instead because he had it in for New Orleans? Is that what he's really saying? Maybe, but if it is, wouldn't that be a bit insensitive to those who lost everything out there, while it has been shown that the governmental agencies were slow to act?
Has 50 Cent gone Republican?
Let's examine this question....
What might they have in common?:
1) He's rich!
He enjoys the tax break
2) Constitutional constructionist.
He sure likes that 2nd Amendment.
(see above picture)
3) He's hates WMD's.
(probably the reason for his bomb proof car)
4) He's a "hustla".
and will quickly go to war with anyone who opposes him.
(he said so in the song by the same name)
5) Likes the way Republicans are "keepin' it real".
Jail time doesn't bother them
6) Blames God for all sorts of things.
Yep, sounds like a Republican to me.
In an ironic twist, I wonder if Mr. 50 Cent realizes that it was most likely members of the moral majority right wing, who petitioned to have billboards for the movie of his "life story" taken down, as they showed him shirtless, tattooed, with a gun? Probably scared the heck out of those folks, but I'll bet it didn't scare their kids, which really made them want those billboards removed. I sit here simply shaking my head, saying to myself, "oh, 50... 50... 50"
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