"Wii" Are Not Amused...

Did ya ever wonder for whom the words "this bag is not a toy" was printed on just about every plastic bag ever made? I'd bet every once and a while you'll come across someone that makes you say "A-HA! There's the guy!"
By now just about everyone has heard about the so-called problems with the motion activated game controller from Nintendo's Wii Game System, if you haven't here's a little info on what's goin' on with this thing.....
The Nintendo Wii game controller is different from every other game controller out there as it gives the player the ability to almost put themselves right into the game. If you're hacking a sword, throwing a baseball, bowling a game, slam dunking a basketball, or whacking a tennis ball in a game, you hold the controller and hack away, your character in the game will act out the motion of your arm. Kinda cool!
However, some (the plastic bag crowd) don't find things so cool, there have been reports of broken televisions, broken windows, shattered glass, and broken bones. Sheesh!
Yep, it's true folks, broken bones, and broken household items, which I believe will unfortunately result in lawsuits. I believe it's a sign of the times, when everyone sues for everything, regardless if it's not really the fault of the maker. Remember the McDonalds lawsuit where someone sued because they spilled hot coffee on their jewels? They sued because nobody told them it was hot. Geez... though the person did get paid, they had no shame.
**DISCLAIMER: To Wii users and hot coffee spillers, don't bother suing me as I'm just a poor college student. I don't have alot of money. At this point in my life all I can afford to have is an opinion, which is all this blog entry is, just one man's opinion. At the time of this writing, opinion was still protected by the constitution as free speech, so piss off**
Ok, that being said, what do you think about this "Wii Have a Problem" thing that is going around the internet, even to the point of there being a website by that name? Who's at fault? Is it the overzealous gamer, or is it Nintendo? In my opinion it is the fault of the gamer, and to them I would say, "hey take it easy pal!"
Personally, if I were one of those people who had smashed my tv with the controller, broken out a window, broken a lighting fixture or my arm, whacked my dog, or any of the other stories of Wii induced carnage, I'd keep quiet about it and make sure nobody saw me when the event took place. Instead, it seems to the "in thing" to send in a picture of the resulting chaos. HEH!
Can you imagine the next generation of wrist strap that will be included with the game? Perhaps it will be a giant hefty thing? Perhaps each game console will just come with a tube of super glue? I dunno, but in my opinion just make the new wrist strap handcuff shaped (key not included but available as an accessory). There ya go, problem solved, try lettin' that thing go flying now! *LOL
I still can't help but feel this whole "issue" is just plain silly, but I guarantee the issue will turn ugly. I feel badly for Nintendo, as they will undoubtedly be caught up in a legal mess. I'm shaking my head already, and wondering what insanely obvious message will be printed on the boxes just in time for the next shipment?