Forever THE Voice of Opera to Me

Luciano Pavarotti, finally at peace from his fight with cancer, passed away at age 71.
It was this guy, who I will forever regard as "THE voice of opera", the voice to which all who follow him will be compared. Afterall, when I was in grade school and first heard opera in music class, it was his rendition of Nessun Dorma.
Even now, while typing and listening to the song, I can remember the scenes from that very day, looking around as the sound filled the small room, some kids laughing, some making comments or standing to make wild exaggerated gestures like they were performing opera, the teacher trying to quietly shush them, and one girl in the back of the class who just sat there and listened, eyes closed. I watched her, thinking how I had known her for most of my life, but she never looked as beautiful as she did at that very moment, sitting there, eyes closed until the song ended, then wiping a little at the corner of her eye when it was over, it hit me straight through the heart. She would eventually become my very first girlfriend, we would date until high school when her family moved away, and the memory would always be able to make me both smile and ache a little in my heart for a simpler time when so much in my world was new.
I didn't mean to make this a story about me, but couldn't help but give an example of how his voice not only brought beauty to the world, but also effected the life of just a regular kid in Brooklyn all those years ago. I would grow up to always have a favorite opera song, a favorite opera (Turandot), as well as a good memory to go along with it, all thanks to him.
In my life, if I ever could have, I would have liked to thank the man. I guess all I can think to say now in remembrance of him would be in the form of an answer to the translated lyrics of Nessun Dorma:
No one sleeps! No one sleeps!Even you, oh princess,in your cold room,look how the stars, they tremblewith love and hope!But my mystery it is locked in me.And my name,no one will know!No, no!On your lips I will say itwhen the light will shine!And my kisswill break the silence,and make you mine!choir:His name no one will know...And he shall have,alas,to die, to die...!Disperse, o night!Vanish, oh stars!At daybreak, I will win!I will win! I will win!
Buona notte, ciao Maestro.
In time, everybody sleeps, and as the night falls.... you have won, your name will not be forgotten. Rest now, and may God speed you to your place in the choir of the heavens, now made better by your contribution.
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