Wednesday, June 01, 2005

NASA "Deep Impact" Project?

Good evening to all, hope the day was a good one for you,
here's a story I heard just recently heard, in of all places... the shopping channel on television.
(they were selling a very nice Meade telescope)
Has anyone else not heard of a NASA project named "Deep Impact", scheduled to take place on July 4th, 2005? The project involves a comet, an 820 pound projectile, and 22,000 miles per hour, the rate of speed by which they intend to smash into the comet's nucleus. But why? (my first reaction at the news) The official answer was:: "Just to see what will happen". Yikes ! Answers that sound too similar to "because it's there" or "because we can" make me nervous. LOL* Somehow, I can't help but wonder: "What if it changes the orbit of the comet?" Wouldn't be very good if it nudged it in our direction. "What if it fractures the comet into smaller parts?" Could create several objects of concern. Also, what's with the name? Surely someone at NASA had to have watched a sci-fi movie of a few years ago, named "Deep Impact", where a fast moving object threatens to impact Earth. What about the aging shuttle, and budget cuts? Effects of the budget cuts and personnel lay-offs can be easily seen and felt in a town like Clear Lake, Texas where the Johnson Space Center is located. I guess in this day and age, questions like those are just no fun. LOL* The Deep Impact Project has been in the works since 1999, but software was still being written and rocket engine replacement was being done just prior to launch on January 12 of this year. Sounds like a very expensive fireworks display will be going on somewhere out there this July 4th.


At Friday, June 10, 2005 7:05:00 PM, Blogger Char said...

I wonder if Bruce Willis will save us this time? *giggle*

At Thursday, June 23, 2005 11:09:00 AM, Blogger NYC said...

LOL* Thanks for sending your comment ! I was wondering the same thing, as a matter of fact I can almost hear that cheesy song by Aerosmith playin' in my head. Hope you're having a great day out there, nice to see you here.


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