Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Seen any good movies?

Good evening to all,
hope your day was a good one !

Just wanted to say a few words about a couple of good movies I've seen recently, the movies The Notebook and Troy. First about The Notebook, a movie I thought I wouldn't watch, but was one of those whose name kept coming up listed amongst favorite movies of people I know or have met, so I figured I'd give it a chance. I first thought it to be just another mushy love story, but it had much more to offer, it was the story of two people fighting for their love through the years. The notebook is actually a collection of stories written down by a woman who is facing the troubles of Alzheimer's, as if it were a map given to the man she loves with a way for him to find her should she lose her way, on the notebook's dedication page she writes "read this to me and I'll come back to you". In time she does indeed come back to him, and they experience a glimmer of the love they have known for so long, only for her to once again become lost again during the course of loving conversation. I believe that the look of loss and heartbreak on the face of James Garner during that scene, will stay with me for all my years, I hope to one day work with the elderly in the field of Gerontology (my field of study in college), and the movie showed me just a little of the heartbreak that is most likely felt, I'll keep that image to guide me in how I go about trying to help. Many thanks to Mrs. T, who gave me the final nudge to watch what turned out to be a really good movie. (I saw it listed in her favorite movies when I visited her blog) Ok, I'll admit it, that movie gave me a lump in my throat, and... ahem..... that doesn't happen often. *LOL

Next is the movie Troy, though starring Brad Pitt (an actor who generally annoys me *LOL) I think he did a good job in the role of Achilles, plus it was good to see Peter O'Toole in a movie again, as he gave the movie some class. Diane Kruger was beautiful in her role as Helen, and worthy of a war being started. One thing about these period movies, Gladiator, Troy, Braveheart, etc, are the rallying speeches, sheesh, those are getting played out as I even saw one in the final Matrix movie with the robot gun things, *LOL another thing being played out in those movies about ancient times is the use of who my friends and I used to regard as "the toothache lady", the woman singing in nondescript phrasing such as "ahh.... awu.... arng.... aaaaeee.... ehawwooeeaa" during the scenes, she was there during Gladiator, and found her way to Troy too I guess... she sure gets around. I have only one wish about the movie, that they would have payed more attention to the detail of the god Apollo guiding the arrow to find it's mark in Achilles' heel. In one scene Achilles is shown to be desecrating the temple of Apollo, (he chopped the head off of his statue... that's askin' for trouble) and by the original epic poem Apollo did exact revenge by making use of Achilles' weak spot, it would have given more meaning to the whole final scene if Achilles had looked up to the giant statue of Apollo towering over him with a recognizing stare before he died.

For all you movie fans out there who wish you had a prop from your favorite movie, check out these sites:

The Propstore of London- Cool stuff of all sorts,
and an interesting site to browse.

Costume Armour.com- Prop armour like they use in movies,
they have the Achilles helmet from the movie Troy.

What have you seen lately? Please feel welcome to post your comments and let us know about the good ones or ones to avoid.


At Tuesday, July 19, 2005 1:14:00 PM, Blogger NYC said...

Hi Mrs. T, had a great week, hope you're doing well out there.

Thanks for the movie suggestions !
I was wondering about that 'Pacifier' movie, but wasn't sure about taking a chance on ol' Vin Diesel and a duck, LOL* I think I'll give that one a try now. I'm looking forward to reading what you thought about those 'Suspect Zero' or 'Merchant in Venice' movies.

Have a good day,
and thanks for visiting !


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