Farewell Governor Ann

Moments ago I heard a news story saying former Texas Governor Ann Richards passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer, at the age of 73.
The news saddens me because I liked Ann Richards, which is unusual for me to say about any politician. Sure she was a saavy and tough politician, but she was also witty and funny, though never to point of being silly. Even at her funniest moments, she had a way of letting you know her words had meaning. Always with a twinkle in her eye, I believe it encouraged people to trust her, rather than to question the things she said.
She did good things in Texas government, making the disenfranchised feel as if someone actually cared, also opening the door for women and minorities to enter into state level politics, a task none too easy in the "good 'ol boy" traditional system of Texas politics.
Take a look at the picture at above left, that is exactly how I'd like to remember her, if there truly is such a thing as charisma or someone being "full of life", she had it. She had a way of lighting up a room.
In the days since the Bush reign over Texas politics, the state has somewhat reverted back to the traditional system, which is a shame. However, it was just nice to know that the smart lady who had the ability to make you both laugh and think at the same time, had been there, and had left her mark. She will be truly missed within the state, and within national level Democratic Party politics.
One of her most famous "one-liners" you might have heard, was said at the 1988 Democratic National Convention where she said...
"Poor George, he can't help it, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth"
Surely talking about one of the many commentary gaffes of George W. Bush, those were indeed prophetic words, think about how many times we've all cringed as a nation at one of the towel snapping frat boy antics of our president. Yep, she sure knew what she was talking about.
In closing, I'd like to say Farewell Governor Ann, you'll be missed, your words will be repeated with a smile, and greeted with a deep thought. You did good, your fight now over, rest well, and know you won't be forgotten. May God also smile at the things you say, and admire the things you did during your time here with us.
All I have left to say is "thank you for being a good person", something I wish I could have said to her in life.