Less than 24 Hours to Go!

Well, here we go, Election Day is less than 24 hours away!! Can you believe it? Time sure flies when you're having fun, and I guess it goes by quickly when you're not having much fun at all, but just waiting for this day to come. *LOL
No matter how you feel about the way things are, please be sure to vote, it's important.
Here's a few things we might all think about when it's our turn at the machine:
*Is our life better now than it was under previous administrations or during other sessions of congress? If it is, then vote to keep the current guys in there, if it's not, then vote for change.
*Will we need Social Security when it's our time to collect it? If you won't, vote for the guys who might privatize it or scale it back, if you or a loved one might need it, then vote for the guys who will get money back into the Social Security Trust Fund. Bush and Co., already said Social Security is on the brink of bankruptcy, with no money available to fix it. However, Bush and Co., see nothing wrong with spending $7.4 Million Dollars per hour in Iraq.
*How is that fair? Nobody sane is in favor of depriving the troops of anything, that's not the reason for quoting dollar figure costs, but if you look at any of the websites dedicated to sending troops items they need, and you'll wonder why are there actually requests for socks and boots from the soldiers? We all wondered why some families had to buy armor protective vests for their loved ones serving over there? Where is the necessary and most basic equipment? Why did Halliburton charge our government $45 dollars per six pack of Coca-Cola in a can that was supposed to be or our troops? Where is the money going? That's alot to think about, but it is important.
*Of course, the soldiers, if you believe the current course of things has been worth the lives of 3000 of our bravest, then vote to keep the guys in office, if you don't believe it's worth even one more soldier's life, then vote for change. Much has been said about people who speak out against the war, I'm saying this only for the reason that I want them all to come home, it's not cutting and running, it's recognizing cost, and return and comparing that to the lives of our soldiers. I salute their efforts during their mission there, I consider their service to be one of the most honorable things a citizen of our great country can do, worthy of great respect, admiration, and thanks from us all. That is why I wouldn't sacrifice another one of their lives for that place where they were sent under so many mistakes and falsehoods.
Enough of the issues, some will believe them, some won't no matter what is said, but if you want to learn more about these issues, they're easily found on Google.
Most importantly, make up your own mind, think of what's best for you and your family, and vote that way. Like I said, it doesn't matter to me how you vote, just that you do. I have respect for anyone who votes with their heart and their head.
Have a good night everybody,
and best wishes to all during Election Day.
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