What's in a Name?

In a strange turn of events, a news story reported that Senator Joe Lieberman says he will "get the troops back home if elected". HUH?! Wha? No frickin' way! That guy? I don't believe it. Surely he means in 10-20 years, or just temporarily to send them back out there again.
What's in a name? Well, if you take the first 3 letters from this guy's name, you have the word "Lie". Is that what's going on here now, just 1 day before the election? Why the change of views, if there really is one? I guess he's looking to get any sort of vote he can.
(I'm not saying all people with that last name lie, I'm only referring to "the hugger" pictured above. Get a room! That picture gives me the heebeegeebees)
Surely, anyone who has been following politics lately has come to know that Senator Joe Lieberman is amongst one of the most supportive "democrats" when it comes to the war. I use quotation marks around the word "democrats" when it comes to this guy, because he sure doesn't sound like one very often. Remember when the Bush White House was coming under scrutiny for what was said in the days leading up to the Iraq War? It was Joe Lieberman who came to his defense on the senate floor, saying something to the effect that people shouldn't question the president. But isn't that one of our greatest rights in this country? At this point we still have the right to ask questions of government officials we elected. I believe the silencing of that right is a dangerously wrong direction to take. Who wants to vote for a guy who doesn't believe in the right to ask questions?
So, how will Joe work to bring the troops home, and how will the Republican Party allow him to do so? Was Joe's campaign promise done with a wink and a nod to the Republican base who recognized one of their own and threw their support to him? I don't see him doing anything of substance to bring out troops home if he is elected.
Here's why, Joe is a political survivor, he knows a cushy job when he has one, where else can he get national attention while working only 2 days per week and get paid hundred of thousands of dollars in salary? Not to mention "contributions" made to him by his big business friends who have much to gain if he stays in the game. Why would he rock the boat by going against the war?
He won't.
He's not the same guy those many people thought they knew, he's going to be beholdant to someone for helping him keep his cushy job, will it be Democrats who voted for him? Nope, but he's gonna owe someone.
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