Snakes on a Plane!

Just say it....
"Snakes on a Plane"
C'mon, admit it, it's fun to say, but the question everyone is asking:
"Will it be fun to watch?"
I sure hope so.
It's not often that a movie gathers so much fan hype that it takes on a life of it's own, just from the sheer absurdity of it's title, but that is exactly what happened (even before it's first showing) Snakes on a Plane.
The movie's premise is simple, some might say so simple it borders on genius, You have a plane, you have snakes, put the snakes on the plane, throw in some people to be on the plane with the snakes, make one of them the great Samuel L. Jackson, and there ya have it, Snakes on a Plane.
Now, back to the question everyone is asking, "Will it be as fun to watch as millions (ok, maybe thousands or hundreds, or tens) of internet "SoaP" fans imagined it would be?" Since the movie was announced for an August box office premiere, I've been watching and listening for clues.
One not so good clue was the original director leaving the project due to "creative differences and budget disputes". Worried? Maybe a little, as that sounds like the work of movie studio "suits". One more clue I heard about was the movie going back in for a quick 5 day re-shoot "to fix a nagging story problem". Uh oh, either "the suits" are at it again, or (as Hollywood Reporter suggested) they were looking to bump up the movie to an R rating, instead of the original PG-13 rating the studio had been pushing for so hard ("suits").
Is that necessarily a bad thing? Nah, could be good as someone might have found a way to allow Samuel L. Jackson to say the line so many imagined him shouting about "muthaf**kin' snakes on the muthaf**kin' plane!" Afterall, what's a Samuel L. Jackson movie without a few "MF's" said in the way only good ol' Sammy can say 'em? Of course there's the exception of Mr. Jackson's starring role in a movie called The Red Violin, not a single "MF!" in the whole movie, and it was excellent.
Wondering what I'm talking about with all of this "MF" talk? Imagine the movie Pulp Fiction without the scene where Sammy pulls a gun on the guy who is holding up the diner, telling him to reach into his bag of collected loot to find his wallet:
the robber looks into the bag,
(many wallets can be seen in the bag)
the robber says, "which one is it?"
Sammy (answers in a calm voice), "it's the one that says Bad Muthaf**ka"
the robber nervously digs around in the bag,
finds it, pulls it from the bag
(the wallet is shown)
and sure enough it did have "Bad Muthaf**ka" embossed right into the leather.
Classic! Now that's the Samuel L. Jackson, use of the "MF" word connection I'm talkin' about. *LOL
By Friday night we should all begin to hear the "thumbs-up" or "thumbs-down" on the movie from fans (of the movie title) and the curious who wanted to be part of not often seen movie event (and oddly enough that's exactly what it is, an event as it will show the movie studio's ability to deliver what people wanted to see). Surely the movie will be lambasted by snooty "professional" movie critics out there who have long forgotten how to appreciate a movie that somehow willed itself into being. But who cares? Even if the movie is no good, we'll all still have the title, and memories of how it worked itself into popular culture. Click the link and you'll see what I mean, it's a phenomenon.
I gotta say it again...
Snakes on a Plane!
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