Boycott Cristal

It's good, with a smooth texture that tickles the tongue, a fragrance that pleases the senses, and a price tag that makes you feel like you just got rolled in an alley. I'm talking about Cristal Champagne, and I'm also asking for boycott.
I"m not asking for boycott because Jay-Z told me to, I'm not even asking because of the snooty attitude of the Louis-Roederer Company's Managing Director Frederic Rouzard, I'm calling on boycott because it is obvious the company doesn't respect nor appreciate a good percentage of those who would plunk down their hard earned money to celebrate with their beverage. If the "juiced-in" (he's a family member, so he's not going anywhere regardless of how all of this turns out) managing director doesn't respect rappers who have made Cristal the most seen product in all media since 1997, imagine how he must feel about a hard working 9-5 man, who saves his money to buy a bottle of the stuff to celebrate his wedding anniversary with his wife, or young people who want to ring in the new year sipping what they see their musical idols endorsing (for free) on tv, or the young couple who add thousands of dollars to their wedding tab, just trying to have something nice for their guests to drink. Yes, I'm talking about the casual consumer, not the wine afficionados who gargle, sniff and snort the stuff, live and die by color and clarity, sticking their pinkies in the air while emoting about elements of bouquet, they'll buy because it's good, or has promise for a good investment. But for those who just want a nice bottle of bubbly from time to time, why not purchase another brand? One whose family or board of directors know how to keep the silver spoon in their mouth, shuddup, and just enjoy the fact that people are buying their concoction.
Wouldn't it be nice to teach someone who looks down on people a good life lesson? Putting forth a message of "we're too good for them, they should buy some other brand", is no way to run a company, so why not let them know they screwed up? Most likely they feel they are too good for them, for you, for me, and for most everyone else, so I know I sure don't want to buy from a company who lets it be known they feel a good number of customers are beneath them. If enough people decide to spend their money elsewhere, I think the message will be effectively conveyed, and we can chalk up a victory for the little guy out there, the one who saves and saves to just give the ones they care about, a little taste of what is considered the good life. Send this lesson along, tell your friends regardless of how you might feel about rap, the issue is actually bigger than just that one group, it's about new money and old money, social classes, and the perception of one by the other, I believe it would actually be good if they found out who it is who keeps their lights on over there.
What do you think? Will you buy Cristal or other Roederer label wines? Let us know if you support the idea for boycott.
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