Don't Have a Cow!

We've all heard about mad cow, but how about a particular cow who performed a "jailbreak" of sorts, escaping from a Montana beef processing plant? Probably not. However, meet "Molly B." (pictured on left), who locals named after "The Unsinkable Molly Brown who survived the doomed oceanliner Titanic, and who might be the most resourceful and life-loving cow you'll ever see.
It seems ol' Molly sparked a manhunt... err... I mean cowhunt, where people were told to be on the lookout for a mature female, (reportedly unarmed but delicious) Black Angus cow, with no plans to one day become part of a menu, who broke out of the pen (at the processing plant), by jumping a 5' 5" fence, leading plant workers on a 6 hour chase, that included her sneaking along the streets of a small nearby town, hiding behind houses, and eventually wading across a river to her freedom. Wow, that sure brings flashbacks of the movie "The Shawshank Redemption". *LOL
Don't worry, this story has a happy ending, as I'm happy to say her will to live gained the respect of processing plant workers and townspeople, and it's been announced she will not go back to the processing plant. She will live out the rest of her natural life grazing in a pasture and doing other fun cow stuff. Most townspeople smiled and cheered at the good news for Molly, though there were a few hardcases out there who said "send her back!" (no worries, there's always a few in a crowd) Workers at the plant said she did many things they had never seen a cow do, it was clear she wanted to live, and they'd honor her wish.
All of that might be a good story in and of itself, but was it just herself that Molly wanted to save? Nope, it appears that Molly the Cow might be expecting a little cow of her own, which I think makes the story even better, as it's one of those amazing things about life and the world in which we live.
I sure wish this cow and her little cow lots of happiness, or pastures of grass, or whatever it is that makes a cow content, what a remarkable animal. Go cow go!
Her gain.
Burger King's loss.
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