And the Quail Said......

By now we've all heard about the VP accidentally peppering his quail hunting partner with bird shot, but has anyone bothered to ask the quail (pictured at left) what happened?
In a little known interview given to the International Audubon Society, the quail said he was just hangin' out with friends when this unusually large and out of breath form came bounding through the tall grass, surprised, he and his friends scattered, when a loud noise was heard, followed by an epithet of four letter words. The quail, who asked to remain unnamed, said he was happy nobody was seriously injured (including himself), but in an apparent message for the Veep, yelled "ya missed me!" as he exited the building, he is currently in hiding, and has not been seen since..
In an officially-unofficial statement, White House officials said "the quail is of no real importance, they don't even think much about him anymore."
re: "the quail is of no real importance, they don't even think much about him anymore."
I suspect they were speaking about Dan. You know the prez probably doesn't have spell-check, so quail, Quayle. It's all the same to the WH.
Too true Molly, too true.
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