Monday, August 14, 2006

War of Perception?

Good afternoon,

Well, those wacky guys in the funny outfits over in Lebanon are at it again, they've declared victory in the fight against Israel. The really bad thing is that the Arab press is backing them up on their claims, so a sizeable percentage of the population could regard their kooky claims as truth.

But are they wrong?

If you go by the match-up of their forces vs. Israel, they are wrong, and they did lose. If you go by the shot for shot comparison of damage to country, once again they are wrong, and did lose. However, if you look at the war as them baiting Israel into a fight to allow them to have this opportunity to lie to the Lebanese people, as part of their agenda to gain attention to themselves, and to in some way show their strength to the average people who might want them to go away, then they succeeded in meeting the requirements for them to carry out their agenda.

But is it a victory?

No, not in the true sense of the word. All that group did was to bring additional hardships to the average Lebanese citizen who wants to live their life peacefully. To call what they accomplished a victory is like saying the giant "Mission Accomplished" banner our president posed with for pictures in the early days of the Iraq War had some credibilty, and we all know how that turned out.

Will this effect the cease fire?

Yes, I believe it will. That group will now feel the need to keep up appearances even more, and in time will do something stupid to get the fight going again. Though I don't often agree with what this presidential administration says, they did have a point when they said there is a need for a lasting peace, that just calling for a cease fire will do nothing to help the situation and would only give that armed militia group time to regroup themselves and restock their inventory of terror accessories. My hope is that Israel continues the monitoring of the region and will block those people's attempts to re-arm themselves.

Well folks, looks like the cycle just keeps on cycling and recycling, over and over again. Sure is a shame.


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