Grand Theft Auto

Good evening to all,
hope your day was a good one.
I heard mention of a "scandal" involving the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, there appears to be hidden sex scenes in the game. "Oh, the shock !" *LOL Here's what I don't understand, Washington is getting involved in preparing an investigation as to how those sex scenes got there. Oh brother that's lame, especially since we have a war going on! First the steroids in baseball senate hearings, those were a joke, now Senator Hillary Clinton is jumping on the bandwagon and asking for an investigation into a video game. Don't they have better things to do? Don't the Democrats seek the youth vote? How will they maintain it when most young people over 18 don't really care that there are hidden sex scenes in a video game, and see the amount of effort they are putting into appearing conservative. Here's one more thing I don't understand, we all know that Grand Theft Auto is a violent game and is rated for Mature Audiences (not for sale to those under 17), wouldn't that be the same as an NC-17 rating at the movies (the rating that replaced the old X rating)? Where's the scandal? The game can't legally be sold to people under 17 years old, and those who do sell it can be ticketed and fined (there's already legislation in place to take care of the matter if it's bought by kids), where was the so-called uproar about the game being violent? Throw in an animated girl and guy doing the "horizontal dance" and people just go crazy. *LOL It is animated afterall, so who really cares? Sure there are instances where young people could get ahold of the game, but therein lies parental supervision, choice and responsibility, if a parent knows what their kids are doing, then there should not be a problem, if it's a parent's decision that their kid can play the game or not, then it's the parent's choice. It seems that in this day and age, it's just easier to blame a game, a song, a band, or just about anything else out there for kids behavior, when it is actually the action or inaction of the parent that wields the most influence. If a parent is doing their job, then no game, song, band, or movie can turn their kid into a hoodlum. Not meaning to get sidetracked, but I have to say it again... "IT'S A GAME !!!" (a violent and now sex scened game, but a game nonetheless) *LOL I'd much rather have my tax dollars spent in a way that has true meaning, makes our lives a little better, brings the soldiers home, or answers the questions as to why we are actually there in Iraq, there have been several explanations afterall, and none of them have held up under scrutiny, now we're fighting for democracy in Iraq? Prior to that becoming the reason of the moment, did any of us actually care if Iraq had democracy? Did the Iraqi's care? Before anyone thinks anything about the direction I'm going, I don't support the actions of Saddam Hussain while he was running his country, I do support the soldiers with all my heart, oppose the war, and think the attention of our elected government should be spent on more important issues. As for Senator Clinton, I appreciated her husband Bill Clinton as a president, and didn't really care who he was sleeping with (that was a matter between him and Mrs. Clinton and she stood by him), though I don't personally believe in marital infidelity it's not my place to pass any kind of judgement on the Ol' Bill, though I wish he would have done the right thing and not gotten himself wrapped up in all of that during the final years of his presidency. Surely Hillary Clinton can spend her time and effort on something real, rather than games and photo / soundbite opportunities, she has Democratic party clout, and should use that position of influence on things that truly matter at this time in our country's history. What do you think about this whole thing?
I totally agree. I have an article about that in my blog actually! How come they can show killing and other crimes, but not something natural like sex?
Welcome Poet,
thanks for the comment.
I dunno the answer to that question, though I do believe in the rating system to inform parents about content. The way I see it with the whole GTA issue is that current laws have it covered, so there was no need to make a federal case about it. Afterall, do we really need to see some "geek" (and I use the term in the computer sense) from the game manufacturer dragged before congress to admit they stuck that segment in the game? I say, "Nah!" it's better to let the game company sort that mess out internally. I'm sure that the company will figure out what to do about future game releases on their own, and will most likely check the game code a bit more closely prior to release. Problem solved. If that sort of gaming sequence was in a game rated for younger players, I'd agree with an investigation taking place, but it was released as "Mature" content.
Thanks for visiting.
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