Saturday, July 09, 2005

Yikes !!

Good afternoon to all,
hope your weekend is off to a good start !

The other day, I happened to find a show called "Being Bobby Brown" on some channel, it's a reality show that follows Whitney Houston and her husband (fading R&B artist) Bobby Brown. All I can say about the show is YIKES !! Opinion around the internet says that the show could be downright scarey as we watch the two behave in a particularly "burned-out" manner, and quite frankly I would have to agree. While watching the show I kept thinking of the old interview footage I've seen with Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious and his girlfriend Nancy Spungeon, where they seemed completely "out of it" and oblivious to how far they had fallen. I watched as Bobby made a series of bathroom humor jokes at Whitney's expense, while he broke into the hotel room's "mini-bar" with a screwdriver, and both were just generally rude or completely problematic to the point of making a public spectacle, to people who had the misfortune of working at a place where they would have to assist or serve them. Once again the example of the spoiled, wealthy, and perhaps severely medicated star personae comes into view, and it's an ugly sight. My best idea for a reality show featuring the couple would be a guest spot on another reality show called "Intervention", where family members or friends lure an unsuspecting person to a group intervention session and let them know it is believed they have a problem. It's a shame to see two people as talented as (though not my particular taste in music) Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, exist in such a way as they appear to do so on that show, and even more of a shame that they can't see how they look while doing the things they are doing, and behaving they way they do. As with all of this blog, it is just an opinion, and I'm sure some people out there love the show. I have no evidence of anyone being medicated, and they are allowed by rights to behave in any way that they see fit (so if money should ever get tight for them, don't sue me because opinion is protected by the first amendment *LOL), just that at best description the show has all the appeal of a car crash, you don't want to look, but somehow you do, if even for just a short while. I don't think I'll be watching that show again, it's just too scarey or sad, though I'm not sure which. Has anyone else seen that show? What did you think?


At Sunday, July 10, 2005 9:54:00 PM, Blogger Brian said...

Wow...That show is repulsive! I couldn't have said it better myself!

At Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:29:00 AM, Blogger NYC said...

Thanks for sending the comment Brian ! Actually, I couldn't have said it better than you just did, that show truly is repulsive. You summed up what I was tryin' to say in my long rant in just 5 words. *LOL

Have a good day,
and thanks for visiting.

At Tuesday, July 19, 2005 2:39:00 PM, Blogger Char said...

Hi Luv,

I've seen the intervention show. I don't know if that would work because it seems they don't intervene very much.
Whitney needs for Bobby Brown to die. Then maybe she'll kick her habits (including him)...


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