Wednesday, August 24, 2005

"Nobody Cares"

Good afternoon to all,
it's been a while since I've had time to blog, but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about things I'd like to share with all of you, stuff that I found interesting as I make my way through the days that I hope you find interesting too.

The other day I was driving around and found myself to be lost, it's a big city full of twists and turns, one wrong turn and you can find youself in the most unexpected of places....

As I made my way around the strange neighborhood, old and worn through the years, boarded-up buildings, broken windows, rust on the old tin awnings hanging above the doors. The place spoke to me of the hopes and dreams of those who had lived there, but with a weary voice. People sleeping in the shadowed doorways, what was seemingly just a bundle of clothes and items, revealed a person underneath, I could tell by the worn shoes as they protuded in such a way. Graffiti marked almost every visible surface, unintelligible scrawlings that I couldn't quite make out, that was until I saw these words written plainly on a red brick wall in white paint "NOBODY CARES". Part of me wanted to make a joke of what I had just seen, as I almost instinctively said to myself "who cares?", but another part of me wondered what drove the person to write that. Was it the squalor of their surroundings? Was there nobody who seemed to care for them? Were they making a joke with friends, and just wrote while answering a question? I will never know the answer to any of those questions, but the words in all their simplicity, punctuated by the surroundings, hit me like a punch to the stomach. As I drove through the neighborhood, I couldn't help but imagine finding a way out as soon as possible, after reading those words I couldn't help but imagine someone living there who might be feeling the same way through the years they might have to grow up there. I drove and drove until the sun had began to settle just over the tops of the skyscrapers, who through distant, seemed to be getting nearer, I turned the corner and I was suddenly out of the neighborhood and back to a place I recognized, I was on my way home. A few days later, when I was once again near the area where I got lost that day, I happened to have my camera with me, and had hoped to find that wall and take a picture since it effected me in such a way, but couldn't find the street, nor the wall I saw in almost two hours of driving. To the person who wrote "NOBODY CARES", I'd like to say somebody does. As I make my way through the days, I try to learn from what I see, and carry of part of it with me to guide my future and keep me on a path that will lead me to do the most good in the time I have. If all turns out well, and if I happen to make the right choices, maybe one day I'll set out to find that street again, and that wall with it's faded message. If at a time in my life when I am in a position to do so, maybe I can do something to help and maybe convince someone that somebody out here does care.


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