Friday, September 02, 2005

"Safe" and "Looking For" Lists

Good afternoon to all,

Well, the weekend is almost upon us, but that doesn't bring relief for many of the residents of New Orleans, people there still have no clear idea as to what is going to become of their lives, many don't know how their loved ones are doing, and many of their families are still looking for the missing and displaced.

I noticed that a couple of news agencies, and the site have established "Safe" and "Looking for" lists on their websites, which could serve to ease the minds of loved ones out there by establishing even the most minimal of essential information.

Here are the links for quick reference:

MSNBC "Looking for" List

MSNBC "Tell them you're safe" List

CNN "Get Help" List

CNN "Locate the missing" List

CNN "Find local information" List

NOLA "Missing Persons" List

NOLA "Tell them you're ok" List

NOLA "Homes Available" List for displaced people

I added a few other links that I hoped might be useful.
To all out there in the area, or who might have family members out there, stay strong, be safe, and please know that there are many out here who care about how you and your loved ones are doing.

Take good care.


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