Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Gas Prices, how high?

Good afternoon to all,
hope you're doing well out there.

Gas prices, what's up? Apparently THEY ARE!
Something needs to be done, with gas prices averaging $3.00 per gallon. I sure wish there was a price cap, or some other sort of regulation or investigation into how this matter got so out of hand. I've been hearing mention of a possible $5.00 gallon of gas someday, though I don't believe it. However, I didn't believe that prices would reach $3.00, so what do I know? I used to say, "people wouldn't stand for that!", I don't say that much anymore.


At Wednesday, August 31, 2005 4:11:00 PM, Blogger NYC said...

Welcome Rightwing Vigilante,
Thank you for the comment.

All I can think to say is YIKES! It's numbing to imagine it actually taking $200 to fill up a 40 gallon tank. I have a V8 engine in my car, recommended to use higher octane gas only, it doesn't run as smooth on what was once the "cheaper stuff", so it's still premium gas for me through this whole thing. No matter how much I tell the ol' car to take it easy on the gas consumption, it just doesn't seem to listen very well. *LOL

Thanks for visiting,
have a good day out there.


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