Sunday, August 28, 2005

It's Comin' !

Good afternoon to all,

On this day, I'd like to send best wishes to all in the New Orleans area, I sure hope all of you in the path of that big storm stay safe, and make it through the days ok. With the city of New Orleans being beneath sea level, the flooding could create dangerous conditions, and one heck of a mess, so make sure you heed the warnings and evacuate to a designated shelter area, don't take risks. My prayers go out to you all. If you need some links for storm tracking and forecasting predictions, here's a couple of links that might help.
*A good and solid site for information. You'll find very useful clickable links, click through them and you'll know what you need to know for weather in your area.
*This one shows computer models of the expected storm track, useful, but remember that computer models can be wrong from time-to-time. This site has been pretty good at giving good info so far though, and I use it each time one of those big storms is headed to the US coast.
*Not comfortable with an unfamiliar site name? Here's a link to The Weather Channel website. You can't go wrong with the information they have, just that the Wunderground and Computer Model site make accessing information a big faster (in my opinion)


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