Good morning to all,
hope your day is a good one.
In keeping with the "rat" theme around here lately, the title of this latest blog entry was completely by accident (it's the name of this man's book). The man pictured at left is Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, a former lawyer who actually represented some mob figures, including Anthony "Tony The Ant" Spilotro of whom Joe Pesci's character in the movie Casino was based. As I don't wanna be "rubbed out" or "whacked", I must say that Mr. Goodman may very well be a good man, but you sure couldn't tell by some of his very public comments to the press or during speaking engagements.
Let's look back at March 2, 2005, where the Mayor
endorsed gin to fourth graders. Yes folks, it's true, and unfortunately the man is a Democrat. During an appearance where the mayor was to read to an assembled group of fourth graders at a Las Vegas school, the students were encouraged to ask the mayor questions, one student asked "What one thing would you want to take with you if you were marooned on a desert island?" The Mayor answered "A bottle of gin". Hmmm.... that must be a bottle of Bombay Gin that the mayor was referring to, as he is a paid spokeman for the company who makes Bombay Gin. In another question, a student asked him, "What are your hobbies?", at which the mayor replied "Drinking". Wow, that man is one heck of a liquor spokesman (though some might say "alki"), no wonder they hired him, I'm suprised he didn't bring a prop.
The mayor's remarks were received with mixed emotion, as clear thinking individuals considered his comments to be a bit much for a bunch of kids who were just happy to meet the mayor of their city, others made excuses for Mayor Goodman, saying it's just his personality and the comments "most likely went over the heads of the kids, when they hear drinking they think juice". Yeah, maybe "Gin and Juice" from the Snoop Dog song. *LOL
Now, let's look at the comments from November 4th, 2005, where the Mayor proposed thumb amputation to curtail vandalism. YIKES! Yes folks, once again it's true, and once again it's unfortunate that the man is a Democrat. Perhaps it was a flippant comment made by Mayor Goodman, but the mayor says he is "dead serious about his crime fighting suggestions", I wonder if he means "politically dead", as in not being re-elected for being a kook, what country does he think he's in? When he's sober (he said his hobby was drinking, so don't sue me), and once again I say he might be a good man (so don't whack me), but sheeesh, maybe he can take a moment to look at the name of the political party he represents, Democrat is a shortened version of the word "Democratic". Anyhow, in a televised interview, it was "
off with their thumbs" as the mayor suggested a way to reduce incidents of graffiti spraypainted on walls and highways, but the mayor didn't stop there, he also suggested canings and whippings as a way to discourage those who might deface city property. Could it get any worse? Oh yes it could... as the mayor also said the thumb chopping, the canings and whippings "should be televised". Maybe sensing he had once again gone too far, the mayor pulled back a bit by mentioning, "after a trial of course".
Where is the oversight by the political parties? Doesn't someone keep track of elected officials who take office through benefit of aligning themselves with one of the "big two" Republican and Democratic political parties? Such oversight would be useful in curtailing offensive or even downright illegal behavior by individuals in office, if they break the law or go too far against the edicts by which a party bases it's platform, they shouldn't be allowed to run for re-election under that party name. Let them try getting re-elected then, as it is very tough for political independants to get their messages out. I wonder if there are others out there who are tired of elected Democrats who don't act, vote, or represent like Democrats, or elected Republicans who don't act, vote, or represent like Republicans? Oversight on behalf of the political parties could clear that up. Someone needs to keep an eye on things to make sure these elected officials do their job as promised or as based on their declaration of political affiliation. If the Democrats truly seek to regain their share representation in the elected offices around our country, or if the Republicans truly seek to maintain theirs, those who engage in illegal activities or conduct their behavior in a manner that most of their political bases would find particularly distateful or offensive, the offenders should be sent home, never to darken the halls of our governmental offices again.
Whew, ok, I feel better now that I vented that pent up frustration. *LOL