Wide Awake in America
Where everything's said with a New York accent.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Tours of Storm Damage
Good evening to all,
sorry it's been quite some time between my postings, just that with the holidays, and classes right around the corner, the rush is on to be ready. Here's a story about something I saw on the news recently.
I hear that sightseeing tours are being offered for the areas damaged by Hurricane Katrina, not just mom & pop operations where locals offer to show the area to tourists, but big commercial touring companies such as Gray Line are offering them as well. Reactions to the tours amongst the locals have been mixed, with some in favor, and some resenting the fact that outsiders are gawking at their misery and plight.
The question is, are the tours a good thing or bad? Is it just enterprising people looking to bring people back to the city, or does it have all the appeal of a car wreck on the side of the road? Is it ghoulish for people to visit New Orleans to take a look at what they've been seeing on television? Though I'm not a local, I don't believe it's necessarily a bad thing, I believe it could actually help New Orleans, not just financially but in making people aware and keeping them talking about the devastation of the city and surrounding area.
We all know that news coverage of the ongoing aftermath has slowed to not much more than a trickle, with new or additional information finding it's way onto the back pages of the newspaper, so I say to the people of New Orleans, please let them come, encourage them to book tours with local residents, tell them about how things really are, give them the truth to tell others back at the watercooler where they work. Those in charge of the rebuild effort will have to do their job if the attention of the people remains upon them, and the important questions continue to be asked.
What do you think about the New Orleans tours?
Ghoulish, or good?
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Cops to Pirro... "Shut up!"

There are many ways to get to the United States Senate, hard work, earning the trust of the people, taking up good causes for the sake of the community, of course there's always the sneaky angle to finding a way in, but we'll keep our minds on the way things should be. Consider the case of Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, probably best known for her bid to run against Senator Hilary Clinton in the 2006 New York Senatorial Race. Like any political hopeful, she knows where to be at the right time to get her picture taken, but apparently doesn't know how to conduct herself at a funeral.
At the funeral for slain New York police officer Daniel Enchautegui, while New York's finest were standing tall, and straight at attention formation (the blue line) to honor him, while pallbearers carried his casket from the church for his final ride in procession to the cemetary, Jeanine Pirro, apparently more involved in her conversation with State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno (R), broke the silence and solemnity of the moment by giggling and chatting it up in an inappropriate volume. It was mentioned that many of the officers showed their disapproval for her lack of respect on their faces, but none more than one ranking New York officer who broke formation and chose to speak up, telling Ms. Pirro to "Shut up!". Knowing she had been "busted", she quickly straightened up her act, ending her apparently humorous conversation, and putting on a mournful face of concern and compassion, as only an aspiring career politician can.
The New York Daily News interviewed several officers following the incident, with several uttering such quotes as these: "she shoulda kept her mouth shut and shown some respect", "it was bad timing, everyone was waiting for the family to leave, the family was trying to be strong, we were all still in formation, it was out of line."
It truly was out of line.
If Ms. Pirro didn't really feel the need to be there to honor a fallen police officer who gave his life in performance of his duties to the city which he served, then she should have stayed home. Her actions prove she regarded the ceremony as not much more than a photo opportunity, a chance to be seen with leaders of her city and state, and a chance to be seen at an event that gained national attention by circumstance of one of those accused being an actor.
There truly are many ways to make it to the United States Senate, making a spectacle of oneself by giggling at a funeral isn't one of them.
Poor ol' Kong

Looks like Kong is back, but will the movie going public buy the story once again? If first day box-office totals have anything to say, perhaps not. I'm not saying the movie won't make lots of money, as lots of money was sunk into the project, big-time movie director Peter Jackson was brought on board, and there's always the hope of overseas totals.
(if you aren't familiar with the story of King Kong, and wish to see the movie, please stop reading)
However, is it just me, or am I the only one who is on Kong's side throughout the entire movie? I remember the first time I saw the Kong story as a kid, and wondered why those guys didn't just leave the big ape alone. I still dunno why the story struck me as a bit sad, rather than as an exciting man vs. giant ape fight, even in my youth I remember thinking to myself, "his big furry butt wouldn't be on that building if that dumb guy hadn't dragged him over there". *LOL* Then comes the moment when the big ape falls, struck down by a hail of gunfire, his big heart beating loudly, then slower, and slower, until it stops, Kong is dead. Ok, I admit it, that movie still makes me mad, they should have just left him kongin' around on that island.
I wonder what Jackson's adaptation of the story will be? Though I don't wonder enough to run out to the theater to see for myself. I'll most likely wait until the DVD is available for rent, or until it comes on satellite television. I hear the movie is over 3 hours long, and that's alot of Kong for anyone to sit through.
If anyone does happen to see the movie, please send us a comment and let us know what you thought.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Life Imitates Art, and....

Sometimes, life imitates art, and it ain't pretty. How does someone go from starring in movies such as A Bronx Tale w/ Robert DeNiro, Crimson Tide w/ Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman, Renaissance Man w/ Danny DeVito, Enemy of the State w/ Will Smith, The Adventures of Pluto Nash w/ Eddie Murphy, and television shows such as The Soprano's, and NYPD Blue, to being accused of burglary and the actual shooting death of a member of the NYPD? Maybe the details of his arrest in June of this year might shed some light, when officers found four packets of heroin in his vehicle during a stop for a traffic offense. It's always a shame to hear about something like this happening, the kid had a promising career ahead of him, but drugs appear to have found their way into the mix, and the downward spiral took its toll. Lillo Brancato lived the dream of many a kid who grew up in a number of New York neighborhoods, to make a life in movies basically playing a kid from the neighborhood, how cool would that be? To make your film debut in a DeNiro movie? Even cooler.
I can't help but wonder how he didn't even learn anything from his role on The Soprano's, where one of the characters battles heroin addiction, and comes to realize his life is spiraling out of his control, and another episode (in which he starred) where he plays a wannabe gangster who plans a caper, only to find himself immediately in over his head, things didn't go as he planned, people got shot, and it eventually ends in his demise at the hands of mob boss Tony.
If the details of Brancato's burglarly attempt are correct, things didn't go as planned either, he and his accomplice Steve Armento from Yonkers, NY were discovered by an off duty police officer while attempting to enter the basement of a house in the Bronx, shots were fired, and the officer was killed. Brancato and Armento were injured in the exchange of gunfire, and were quickly apprehended by responding officers, both are listed in serious condition at a New York area hospital. Brancato received gunshot wounds to the chest and groin, Armento received gunshot wounds to the abdomen, chest, shoulder, and leg.
I wrote most of this in the past tense, because the story does detail the death of what was once a promising future, even if found innocent of the charges, Brancato is not very likely to make a return to film or television. My hope is that he seeks help for any drug problems he might have, and that he seeks to perform some sort of act of restitution for the family of the fallen officer. Nothing will bring the man back to his family, and no dollar amount will ever be enough, but nobody deserves to pay with their life for the foolishness of someone else's fall from grace. My prayers go out for the family of Officer Daniel Enchautegui, who was only 28.
Friday, December 09, 2005
The "War on Christmas"

hope the day finds you all well.
"Oh you better watch out..
Santa's packin' heat!"
Nah, not really, though there has been alot of squawkin' about a so-called "War on Christmas" lately. What's up with this latest buncha boloney?
I heard mention that the effort to convince people that the "evil secular liberals" are grinchin' it up in an effort to steal Christmas from the people is being led by none other than Bill O'Reilly. Does anyone actually take him seriously anymore? C'mon now, surely the religious minded wouldn't listen to a man who was sued by a woman employee who complained about him drunk dialing her in the middle of the night for a little heavy breathing and a happy ending. Isn't he married? And if he is, isn't that adultery in some form, even if it was just on the phone? I guess breaking one of the "Big 10" is only wrong if you didn't vote for St. George.
Ok, enough of my trying to be witty, I'm aware I'm not that funny, but does anyone actually believe that someone could actually take away Christmas, even in these days of politically-correct speech, and strange legislative remedies to cure social ills? It is my belief that Christmas is more than just a name of a tree, a greeting on a card, or a line at a store, Christmas is alive and well in the hearts of those who choose to abide by it's true meaning, a time of compassion and hope, a time when we all take notice of the smiles and joy our humble offerings can bring to others, whether it is in the form of a gift, a kind word, or a good deed. I'll admit it is a chore to try to keep that feeling alive all year long, I try, but in this time of year the feeling is somehow recharged, hopefully enough to carry me through another long new year.
I'm not a religious fundementalist, nor am I particularly conservative on all matters, but I am a person of faith which is kept on a personal level, I'm not preachy, nor do I judge anyone else, I don't believe my way of looking at things is anywhere near perfect so I wouldn't expect anyone to follow my example, though I try to do the right thing, and treat people as I would like to be treated, I'm not out to convert anyone to believe in anything. I keep an open mind to all approaches of explaining our existence, and don't discount anyone's beliefs whether gained by scientific research or by faith alone, I really can't as I admit my knowledge of both science and religious text are extremely limited, but I know enough to know I resent the use of religion for political gain in any way, and know that there is always room for me to learn more. For one group of people to say "either your with us or your against God" raises a big ol' red flag of warning for me to watch out for them, and those who would so quickly and willingly hitch their wagon to such a cause. Scary stuff indeed!
I can't help but view Mr. O'Reilly's attempt to scare people, as anything less than McCarthy-esque, he thrives upon the fear of others. Can't someone step up and give him the ol' "have you no shame, sir" treatment in national television so we can finally be rid of this guys virulent influence upon those who are most at risk of being mislead? I must say that I whole-heartedly believe there is no such thing as a "War on Christmas", though through the years people have used such a term to gain attention for themselves or to further one agenda or another. There was once a time when people questioned the use of Santa and his reindeers as a symbol of Christmas. Does anyone actually believe Santa or Rudolph, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and the gang are actually bad? C'mon it's fun for the kids! Now that I think about it, there probably are those who still hate the big fella in red and the shiney nosed quadruped, but do most people? Probably not.
Remember the time when "Merry Xmas" was being widely used? Some went practically crazy over that too, but did Christmas become a victim of the big scary "X"? Nope, it still comes rollin' along each and every year. The fact that our nation has a large Christian following, means that the story of Christmas will be passed along from generation to generation, with each family giving that meaning it's own interpretation and variation on the theme, who is to say who is right or wrong? Surely not me, but neither can Mr. O'Reilly, who I view as the true Grinch who tried to steal Christmas. If a store uses the term "Holiday Sale", Mr. O'Reilly would like you to believe that is one sign of the apocalypse, the end of life as we know it, the ol' lump-o-coal in the stocking... whatta goon. At a time when our nation is engaged in actual war on two fronts (Iraq and Afghanistan), Mr. O'Reilly has attempted to string together the words "war" and "Christmas" and "threat" to scare people during what should be the most joyous, most celebrated, or most sacred time of year, when it's already difficult to celebrate knowing our soldiers, who all have family members or someone who cares about them, will be spending their Christmas in a war zone. For some reason there seems to be certain people out there (both political pundits and the elected) who feel the need to keep up a level of pressure or fear, we as American citizens aren't being allowed to simply relax for a moment, to be able to step back and possibly take a look at the big picture all around us, maybe it's because those very same people are afraid we might realize we don't like what we see. Nothing appears to be off limits these days, as now even Christmas is "under threat"? It could be laughable, though even if some of the non-stories made into stories are immediately recognized as such, there's still the need to worry about a possible knee-jerk reaction that could be taken by a legislature gone wild, It's terrible and disappointing.
Guess I might as well step up and say.... "Have you no shame, sir?", and I use the respectful term "sir" with the utmost contempt, as I find the man (O'Reilly) to be not much more than a self-aggrandizing bag of wind, and a fear/hate monger.
But that's just my opinion, what do you think? Is there such a thing as a "War on Christmas"? Apart from the commercialization of the holiday, we all know that is true.
I send the best of wishes for a Very Merry Christmas to all, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, or whatever anyone out there might prefer, t'is the season, and t'will be again next year and beyond. *LOL
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Suddenly, and Never Again
Good afternoon to all,
hope your weekend is going well.
Does money buy happiness? Is the answer to that age old question actually, "no, but you can at least pick your misery"? Can you actually pick your misery, or would it come in such a volume that it is truly overwhelming? Many might say, "such a thing wouldn't happen to me, I could handle it", but do any of us actually know if we could handle the very different world associated with sudden wealth? What would you do if you awoke one day to what could be the realization of all your material dreams, the possibilities of all your good intentions, and almost sudden fame? I'd bet we've all thought about it at least once. Such a question appears to become a bit more difficult to answer when some thought is put into it, factoring in the truths and realities of the world in which we live. Such a thing happened to a family from West Virginia, when a grandfather won the largest Powerball Lottery single payout, he alone had the winning numbers, the payout was $315 Million ($113 Million paid out in one lump sum after taxes). The happiness and "admiration" of others from winning, in just a few short years would be replaced with utter sorrow, in a story of initial good intention soured by greed, wealth, power, sex, drink and drugs. Someone once said "money has the ability to change people, not often for the better", and it seems they knew what they were talking about. Click this link to read the story that got me thinking about the influence of wealth, both upon self and others, and had me shaking my head in disbelief about how total the devastation was upon all who were somehow touched by the money. If this were the storyline for a movie, most might shrug it off as a story being overdone, how could so much bad come from an event that was greeted with such happiness? Simply unbelieveable until you consider that it all really happened, with the saddest part of all being that the story isn't over just yet, could the story become more tragic? I sure hope not.
Let me know what you think about this one,
I'm sure interested in hearing your thoughts.