Dems Have a Good NIght !

What a difference a day makes!
I got up early yesterday, and went to vote. Though I vote in most elections, I have to say the process was a bit odd.
Two schools used as polling places near here, across the street from each other, not even 100 yards apart, one with no line where the subdivision with it's own golf course votes, and the other for everyone else with long lines for the few machines, surly poll workers who weren't very happy, and not very much parking.
I of course voted at the long line place with everyone else, but afterward, decided to peek in on how it was at the other polling place across the street. What a difference! The poll workers were nice, walking right up to you with literature in hand that outlined how to vote on the electronic machine, another asked me if I'd like a cup of coffee, while not forgetting to mention there were also fresh donuts from Krispy Kreme, there were rows of machines with no wait, so this is how the other half lives? Must be nice. I was right in the middle of thinking that, when I was asked for my last name so they could put me in line to sign the registry, I told them I was just waiting on a neighbor who was on their way. The poll worker smiled and said, "well I'll get you a chair", which she promptly did. It was nice, but all the while, I couldn't help but compare the sour puss faces of the poll workers where I had just voted, the lines of the 5 machines for what looked like at least 60 people who arrived early like me "to beat the crowd", no coffee, no Krispy Kreme, no chair fetching people. Politeness was something reserved for those with money, or for those who vote in a way more favorable to those in power.
Oh well, I didn't let that stop me, I was on a mission. *LOL
I waited in the line, cast my vote, and left feeling like I had accomplished something, though I also knew that voting in Texas, my vote wasn't going to change much in this heavily fortified Republican stronghold of a state.
I went to classes from the afternoon 'til evening, arriving home near 10pm, and was pleasantly surprised by the news, things were going well for the Democrats in this election. You can't imagine just how many times in recent years that I've said "the people won't stand for that!", only to be disappointed when we did. This election finally seemed like the people woke up, realizing that a government without checks and balances nor oversight can begin to turn into something kinda scary. An unfavorable war in Iraq costing our soldiers their lives and billions of our tax dollars with no end in sight, Predator congressmen preying on underage male pages, Other congressmen being brought up on assault charges for choking their mistresses who they met at a Young Republicans rally, Yet more congressmen being brought up on charges for corruption, resigning with tears when their greed is revealed, the smiling mugshots that left many wondering if they knew where they were, The oil company ties during a time when oil company profits are of historic proportion along with the prices were paying. The domestic spying, which says the government wants us to trust them while they show they don't trust us, just a whole slew of things indicating that things were getting far out of hand for the party who promised to restore honor to government.
As I watch the news now, word has it that the Democrats have majority in the House of Representatives, a majority in the Senate is also projected for them, meaning they will have both chambers of Congress. I believe it's a good thing, as there truly is a need for a new direction, and for some oversight into how things are being run. If the Democrats are to actually recieve this chance to control both legislative chambers, if I could, I'd say, "the American people have entrusted you with this honor to serve your country, don't let us down, do the right thing."
My hope is that they'll function as a unit, with a clear agenda for fixing what they've regarded as being broken all these years that they've been out of power. I expect them to live up to the trust I've put in them, and to not tone things down so much as the now humbled pundits of the Republican party are suggesting, the people will respect them for just doing the right thing, and for never fogetting who it was who put them into those seats of power.
What really blows my top are the Republican edged commentators who have shows on the various cable news channels, such as O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Scarborough, Dobbs, and Carlson-- today I've heard so much talk about both parties coming together in unity, about all of us just being Americans regardless of political affiliation, about calm taking the place of intolerance within our halls of Congress. All good words and ideas, but where was the call for all of that when the Republicans owned everything? Just a few days ago, it was the staus quo of "us against them", and I'm not even referring to the campaign jabs, the Republicans enjoying having a "what are you gonna do about it" way of doing things. The Democrats should remember all that they were subjected to during their time as the minority party, and should flex some muscle now that they can, help the people, heal the nation, right the wrongs, and the people will respond in kind. Never forget, never fall victim to what befell those who came before them, and never forget that the politics of hope will always defeat the politics of fear, they should seek to build on that good rule.
I wish the Democratic Party well, I have high hopes for what they might be able to accomplish, it's up to them to make sure that hope is kept alive, they have my trust, now all they have to do is work to keep it.
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