Saturday, September 03, 2005

The World is Watching

Good afternoon to all,
hope your weekend is going well.

The world is watching us at this time in our history, but what is it that they will see? Will they see the domestic policies of America mirror those that we promote abroad? What I mean is will they see how we take care of our people, or will they catch a glimpse of the divide residing just underneath the public facade of these United States. Will they see the delivery of hope and relief to those in need, or the continuation of despair, with relief efforts snagged in the tangles of bureaucracy? I have yet to hear anyone in local, state or federal government say that hope is on it's way to the people, even many of us outside of the storm ravaged area have a hard time maintaining hope. So many are trying to do our part to help in some small way, volunteering for various relief services, donating what we can, and struggling to understand the scope of this tragedy as it unfolds before us, but what the people need to know and hear is that someone is in charge of the situation, that help is coming fast, that hope is on it's way, and that this nation's heartbreak will heal in time. It is disheartening to see and hear our elected leaders pass the buck in accepting some level of responsibility for giving good solid answers, and clear plans of resolve, this is no time for political styled doublespeak replies, or evasive answers that don't answer a presented question at all, the people need answers and solutions, and hope will come once they are able to find them.

In saw in some video footage not long ago, of a boat passing along a little girl standing on some debris in the water, as the boat passes the little girl asks "are you going to help us?"
Just thinking of that tugs at my heart. I tell ya, in my America, that little girl shouldn't have had to ask, help would have been there. They, you, me, and everyone deserves so much better than what we are witnessing.

Here are a few links to various news agency stories from England, Australia, and Canada:,5744,16475280%5E2703,00.html,5744,16475019%5E2703,00.html,5744,16475033%255E2703,00.html

Have a good day, and thanks for visiting.


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