Walmart Blitzkrieging Across America

Oh Walmart, that bastion of capitalism at it's most obvious. With their cheap prices as the result of their volume buying, loved by so many, but hated by so many small town mom & pop retailers who had to pack up shop when their town was "invaded".
Yep, it's true, some towns have likened it to an invasion when the yellow smiley face comes rollin' in.
However, Walmart has another little face that has embroiled them in controversy recently (pictured above), this face also smiling, but looking alot less friendly.
The skull is a t-shirt design offered at Walmart for little over $9.00. It's origin? Well, that little smushed skull is the insignia of none other than the SS Division designated "Totenkopf" or "Death's Head" by the Nazis. Originally formed as the bodyguard unit for Adolf Hitler and other high ranking Nazi officials, the death's head insignia was also worn by Panzer tankers, and concentration camp guards. Hmm.... charming isn't it?
The big maroon skull is an actual picture of the t-shirt as taken by a gentleman named Rick from the Bent Corner Blog, the little inset picture is a clip art likeness of the Nazi patch insignia, see the similarity?
Now isn't that nice? A late night trip to the 24 hour Walmart, to pick up a few things someone can't live without 'til morning (like a gallon drum of olive oil for $2.44), and while there, don't forget your value priced Nazi stuff. Woohoo!
Ok, that was sarcasm, I wouldn't wear that crap if ya paid me, but does anyone else find all of this to be a bit odd?
A spokesperson from Walmart denied any knowledge of the origin of the t-shirt design, practically blaming it all on the t-shirt vendor, which might be a good excuse if the shirt wasn't produced by Walmart's in-house brand called No Boundaries.
Perhaps there should be some boundaries, as I find it hard to believe that whoever came up with the idea for this shirt design didn't know they were using the insignia of a particularly notorious Nazi SS unit. I think someone was trying to be cute about the whole thing, just a big "ha ha" at the expense of most of us who might not recognize Nazi insignias if we saw them, while they mainstreamed Nazi skinhead material by introducing it into one of our nation's biggest retail stores.
Well, I don't think it's cute, and I don't think it's funny.
Whoever is responsible for this slap in the face to the American consumer should be dismissed immediately, and the offending item be pulled from store shelves just as fast.
Research of this matter has turned up updates from NBC News and the Bent Corner Blog stating that despite the uproar and promises from Walmart to remove the item, the t-shirts are still available in stores.
Could Walmart be intentionally slow in removing the shirts from store shelves as they know they're more likely to sell to those looking to make a quick buck on Ebay, and to the twisted? Anything's possible these days.
So, maybe Walmart coming to town is an invasion? They come with their army of trucks, their giant ultra-modern store, and apparently their insignia of choice. How would ol' Sam feel if he were still around? I'm almost afraid to ask because I want to maintain my opinion of him as a good man who got rich just looking out for everyday folks.
I verbed this noun a while ago (blitzkrieg), and just checking to see if anyone on the internet also did. I think your definition is better than mine.
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