Saturday, October 08, 2005

When ya gotta go.....

Good evening to all,
hope your day was a good one!

In a "pressing issue"....
Well, what can I say.... when ya gotta go.... ya gotta go!
It seems that even the leader of the most powerful country in the world, needs a hall pass when he needs to use the facilities. During a September 19th, 2005, U.N. Summit Meeting, a reporter managed to snap a rather odd picture of our president writing a note asking for permission to use "the can". Who does the president ask when he's crossing his legs uncomfortably, while the important issues of the world are being ironed out? None other than good ol' Condi. (so that's what the Secretary of State does)

Ok, enough of my being a wise-guy, *LOL
I know that it's just one of those things that happen, and he was probably just wondering what the properly diplomatic thing was to do in that sort of situation, still it took me a bit by surprise. I first found the picture on the DubyaSpeak website, but decided to research it to further verify the story as being legit, I found it also mentioned on the ABC News website.

Now that I think about it, what is the proper thing to do when you're seated with leaders from around the world, and you've really gotta go? I wish they had mentioned that bit of information in the story. My best guess is that the president or one of his staff would simply request a 15 minute recess from the proceedings, though if the request were denied, there could be an international incident. Ahh, the world of international politics. *LOL


At Sunday, October 09, 2005 1:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi ny getting addicted to your blog you should be writing for ny post lol, got a link for you. you might find it interesting,its entitled dubyadutch. the link is tc dan

At Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:53:00 PM, Blogger NYC said...

*LOL, Hi Dan,
Good to see ya here,
hope the day is going well.

Thank you for the compliment!
I believe it's the comments, here on the blog, that keep it fun.

Have a good day,
and please feel welcome to visit anytime!

All the best to you, my friend.

At Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:54:00 PM, Blogger NYC said...

Almost forgot to say...
thank you for the link!


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