Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Cool Guitar Stuff

Good afternoon to all, hope your day is going well !

Lately, I've been going through a bit of "guitar fever" again, that feeling that guitar players get when they know it's just about time to buy a new one or at least buy something. *LOL While searching the internet to see what I could find, I came across a few interesting items that I thought would be worth mentioning, so take a look if you play guitar (or know someone who does). The picture at left is of an amp made by a company called Songworks who really impressed me, at first glance at the name "Little Lanilei" I thought the amp to be a kids starter amp or such, but "ohhhh nooo it wasn't!" *LOL This deceivingly small box is a hand built and hand wired serious amplifier, tube power, and very cool. The more I read, the more I wanted one, so I emailed the company to get a bit more info and received a reply the very next day from the man who builds the amps! How's that for service? I was blown away. The company also makes an item called the "Rotary wave Speaker", it's a speaker box where the speaker spins inside, giving a vibrato effect. WOW ! That's something I've always wanted since I first heard of the old "Leslie Machines", though not a true leslie, the effect would be similar.

Fat Dawg Guitars was a California guitar shop I found online, kind of a cool old kooky shop where they make their own guitars to sell. If you've ever wanted an American made Danelectro, they can make ya one! Not just a Danelectro-ish body style, but one made from parts they bought in bulk when the Danelectro factory was closing. It won't be a vintage factory original, but is still very cool. Check out the guitar body styles they can make, it's simply amazin'!

At American Musical Supply, check out this Non-reverse Gibson Firebird with 3 Pickups, and Matching Headstock. I like the feel of the Firebird neck, kind of a wonky body design as it sits oddly when on your knee, but the sound of those mini humbucker pickups is always good! I like the pricing at that giant online store.

For a cool old shop to browse through and just drool, check out Gruhn Guitars! I spent alot of time at that site, nice vintage gear.

Looking for an upscale guitar shop (upscale meaning expensive boutique amps and such) these are the stores for you to browse through, it was cool to see the stuff they had, but sheesh I almost had to check my wallet to see if it was still there upon closing the site after browsing. *LOL I guess ya get what you pay for though, and their inventories were impressive. Check out MusicToys and Asharpmusicco. While at Asharpmusicco, check out the Speedster Deluxe 25 Watt Class-A Tube Amp, it was love at first sight for me. *LOL

If you know of any good guitar related places online, please let me know! I'm always interested in seeing good news stuff, and knowing what you think.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Grand Theft Auto

Good evening to all,
hope your day was a good one.

I heard mention of a "scandal" involving the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, there appears to be hidden sex scenes in the game. "Oh, the shock !" *LOL Here's what I don't understand, Washington is getting involved in preparing an investigation as to how those sex scenes got there. Oh brother that's lame, especially since we have a war going on! First the steroids in baseball senate hearings, those were a joke, now Senator Hillary Clinton is jumping on the bandwagon and asking for an investigation into a video game. Don't they have better things to do? Don't the Democrats seek the youth vote? How will they maintain it when most young people over 18 don't really care that there are hidden sex scenes in a video game, and see the amount of effort they are putting into appearing conservative. Here's one more thing I don't understand, we all know that Grand Theft Auto is a violent game and is rated for Mature Audiences (not for sale to those under 17), wouldn't that be the same as an NC-17 rating at the movies (the rating that replaced the old X rating)? Where's the scandal? The game can't legally be sold to people under 17 years old, and those who do sell it can be ticketed and fined (there's already legislation in place to take care of the matter if it's bought by kids), where was the so-called uproar about the game being violent? Throw in an animated girl and guy doing the "horizontal dance" and people just go crazy. *LOL It is animated afterall, so who really cares? Sure there are instances where young people could get ahold of the game, but therein lies parental supervision, choice and responsibility, if a parent knows what their kids are doing, then there should not be a problem, if it's a parent's decision that their kid can play the game or not, then it's the parent's choice. It seems that in this day and age, it's just easier to blame a game, a song, a band, or just about anything else out there for kids behavior, when it is actually the action or inaction of the parent that wields the most influence. If a parent is doing their job, then no game, song, band, or movie can turn their kid into a hoodlum. Not meaning to get sidetracked, but I have to say it again... "IT'S A GAME !!!" (a violent and now sex scened game, but a game nonetheless) *LOL I'd much rather have my tax dollars spent in a way that has true meaning, makes our lives a little better, brings the soldiers home, or answers the questions as to why we are actually there in Iraq, there have been several explanations afterall, and none of them have held up under scrutiny, now we're fighting for democracy in Iraq? Prior to that becoming the reason of the moment, did any of us actually care if Iraq had democracy? Did the Iraqi's care? Before anyone thinks anything about the direction I'm going, I don't support the actions of Saddam Hussain while he was running his country, I do support the soldiers with all my heart, oppose the war, and think the attention of our elected government should be spent on more important issues. As for Senator Clinton, I appreciated her husband Bill Clinton as a president, and didn't really care who he was sleeping with (that was a matter between him and Mrs. Clinton and she stood by him), though I don't personally believe in marital infidelity it's not my place to pass any kind of judgement on the Ol' Bill, though I wish he would have done the right thing and not gotten himself wrapped up in all of that during the final years of his presidency. Surely Hillary Clinton can spend her time and effort on something real, rather than games and photo / soundbite opportunities, she has Democratic party clout, and should use that position of influence on things that truly matter at this time in our country's history. What do you think about this whole thing?

Monday, July 25, 2005

Charlie? Who's seen it?

Good evening to all,

I was wondering about that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, who's seen it? How was it, and how did it compare to the Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie? Better or worse? The Johnny Depp lispy version of Ol' Willie, had me kinda freaked out when I saw a clip. *LOL Also, did they leave in one of my favorite lines from the original movie? It's the scene where Willie says "we are the makers of music and the dreamers of dreams", that sure gave me alot to think about when I first heard it as a kid. Please feel welcome to post your comments, reviews, or opinions about the movie!

Have a good night everybody.

Ricky Williams

Good evening to all,

Tonight I saw on ESPN that Ricky Williams has officially returned to the NFL's Miami Dolphins, heh... I knew that would happen. *LOL For those of you who haven't been following the Ricky story, here's a bit of what's been going on:

*Played as a running back for the University of Texas
*Picked as a top level National Football League
draft pick by the New Orleans Saints
*Had an agent who allowed him to enter the league
at near league minimum pay
*Got a new agent
*Got hurt alot and eventually got traded to Miami
*Did well upon joining the Miami team
*Got a renegotiated contract to 3 million dollars per year
*Failed required drug screening tests
*Suspensions and fines followed the failed drug tests
*Went missing and later said he quit football
*Became a yoga instructor and holistic medicine man
*Lost a judgement that said he owed the team
8.6 million dollars
*Couldn't make that kinda money as a yogie
*Returns to football
*Now makes league minimum pay again
*Still suspended for prior offenses
will not play until week 6 of the season.

That's the general idea about what's been going on, at least as I understood it from the sports news coverage, it's crazy to think of someone as gifted and fortunate as Ol' Rick would throw it all away to fly off to India to practice turning himself into a human pretzel. *LOL I can understand someone one day realizing they need to truly find themselves and what makes them happy, that doesn't always include running real fast and carrying a ball while giants are attempting to squash you like a bug, it's just the drug thing that had me rollin' my eyes at the tv screen when I first heard about this story. In these days of the "I'm no role model" superstar athlete, I believe it's just made too easy for them, they play a game for a living and a good living it is ! Money seemingly falling from trees as a likeable athlete can get numerous lucrative endorsements, they clean up their act a bit when they see those endorsements coming their way, why not do it for the kids who view them as their heroes? It's a much more noble cause than just making a few dollars to buy something shiny or a car or boat or somethin'. Surely as these millionaire athletes were growing up they idolized the sports stars of their youth, now that they've made it to the pinnacle of their sporting career, they attempt to (in an act I can only view as cowardly) bow out of the role model personae. They must not realize just how lucky they are, and owe it to the fans, the kids, and everyone to just do the right thing. I dunno if anyone has seen old Jimi Hendrix interview footage, but Ricky's interview reminded me of that in the way you could tell Jimi was very intelligent, but might have burned out a few bulbs as he experimented with drugs. I guess time will tell as to what happens with this cautionary tale in the making. In a side note, there was another dreadlocked running back from the University of Texas who cleaned up his act prior to his entry into the NFL, he was last seen sporting a short haircut, and swearing to all that he wasn't "another Ricky". Yep, cautionary tale indeed.

** Upon my reading of this blog entry, I noticed that it might have come off as mean spirited, in my attempts at humor, and the points I tried to make, I forgot to say I wish Ricky Williams well in his return. I really do hope that he does well, and has sworn himself off drugs, it would be a shame to see a person with his level of playing talent throw it all away, I guess that's what I should have said all along. At this point Ricky has become a cautionary tale of sorts, but it would be nice to see him prove everyone wrong (myself included). If I had an opportunity to offer some advice to Ricky, it would be for him to simply play the game (both on field and off), get those statistics up, work on gaining endorsements, repay the money owed to the team, and save what he can during the time he's playing, set himself and his family up for a good future before he decides to retire, and live well. That's the happy ending outcome I'd like to see for the Ricky Williams story.

Chinese General

Good evening to all,
it's been a while, but was just making the most of the free time I have until I return to classes, now it's time to get caught up on things that caught my attention recently. *LOL

I heard little mention on the news regarding a comment made by a Chinese general, the aforementioned general said that China would nuke us if we got involved in the struggle over Taiwan. Hmmm, that sure made me wonder why we still allow that country favored trade status. Of course, the Chinese government downplayed the comment by saying it was just the personal views of the general and not those of the government there, but anyone can see that it was most likely a thinly veiled threat that was put out there to give us something to think about. The response by our government was equally frustrating, as the only thing said about it was "the comment was irresponsible". Yes, it was very irresponsible for China to say they would risk a world war in their aspirations to annex Taiwan, but couldn't more have been said in response? I kept going through the possible reasons for such a simplistic response, and all I could come up with was the old "less is more" approach to diplomacy. Marginalizing the impact of the comment could have been like a big ol' "whatever" said in an everyday argument. I tend to always attempt to visualize stuff like that as a schoolyard fight between two kids, and most often it works at putting almost overbearingly big things in their true perspective. I still wonder why we carry out so much trade with the Chinese? There was once a time when our inexpensive goods came from Taiwan, even recently we receive inexpensive goods from South Korea, why not on a bigger level of trade? Prices might go up slightly, but it would be money sent to a democratic nation, rather than money filling the coffers of a communist regime such as China, and that might be worth paying a little more. One thing I've noticed recently is that Wal Mart has been allowed to build stores in China, it has been reported that they've already made 1 billion dollars from the Chinese market, I assume that has something to do with keeping the trade flowing with China, as a downsize could push the Chinese to once again close their territories to our doing business there, and that is alot of money. Still, I feel it's just wrong for them to attempt to shake that stick at us, but the resolve of our nation would be fully awakened if they were to actually carry out their threat. The result would be terrible for all, and what remained of China would surely lose that conflict as our treaties with allies would find them opposing the world. Why wasn't more said about this matter? It's just confusing to me. What do you think about this whole thing?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

James "Scotty" Doohan

Good afternoon to all,
hope your day has been a good one !

Today, James "Scotty" Doohan passed away at age 85, made famous by the role that typecast him as Engineer Scott on the legendary show Star Trek. To me, it's the passing of one of those people who have been around for all of your life, as I remember watching the Star Trek re-runs when I was a young kid, and actually watched the show late one night, not long ago. Before ya ask, no I'm not a trekkie, though I do respect the show for how it could spark the imagination in a way that only good science fiction can. Jules Verne, H.G. Welles, and Arthur C. Clarke all wrote of things that people once believed to be impossibly fantastic, only to spark the imaginations of some really intelligent people out there and find their ideas one day made real. I can only imagine what ideas were sparked by the Star Trek series. Mr. Doohan brought a likeable quality to the Scotty character on the show, and lived a truly incredible life, may he rest in peace knowing he made people smile, and won't be forgotten.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Yikes !!

Good afternoon to all,
hope your weekend is off to a good start !

The other day, I happened to find a show called "Being Bobby Brown" on some channel, it's a reality show that follows Whitney Houston and her husband (fading R&B artist) Bobby Brown. All I can say about the show is YIKES !! Opinion around the internet says that the show could be downright scarey as we watch the two behave in a particularly "burned-out" manner, and quite frankly I would have to agree. While watching the show I kept thinking of the old interview footage I've seen with Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious and his girlfriend Nancy Spungeon, where they seemed completely "out of it" and oblivious to how far they had fallen. I watched as Bobby made a series of bathroom humor jokes at Whitney's expense, while he broke into the hotel room's "mini-bar" with a screwdriver, and both were just generally rude or completely problematic to the point of making a public spectacle, to people who had the misfortune of working at a place where they would have to assist or serve them. Once again the example of the spoiled, wealthy, and perhaps severely medicated star personae comes into view, and it's an ugly sight. My best idea for a reality show featuring the couple would be a guest spot on another reality show called "Intervention", where family members or friends lure an unsuspecting person to a group intervention session and let them know it is believed they have a problem. It's a shame to see two people as talented as (though not my particular taste in music) Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, exist in such a way as they appear to do so on that show, and even more of a shame that they can't see how they look while doing the things they are doing, and behaving they way they do. As with all of this blog, it is just an opinion, and I'm sure some people out there love the show. I have no evidence of anyone being medicated, and they are allowed by rights to behave in any way that they see fit (so if money should ever get tight for them, don't sue me because opinion is protected by the first amendment *LOL), just that at best description the show has all the appeal of a car crash, you don't want to look, but somehow you do, if even for just a short while. I don't think I'll be watching that show again, it's just too scarey or sad, though I'm not sure which. Has anyone else seen that show? What did you think?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

A Tragedy in England

Good evening to all,
hope you're all doing well out there, and safe.

Today, cowards struck in a terror attack upon the public transit system of London, England, from word on the news many were taken from us much too soon, and many more wounded. My prayers go out for all the good people of England, may the bravery of your country's patron saint, St. George, be with you all in this time of need. I pray that London, and the whole of England will stand tall once again and without fear.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Seen any good movies?

Good evening to all,
hope your day was a good one !

Just wanted to say a few words about a couple of good movies I've seen recently, the movies The Notebook and Troy. First about The Notebook, a movie I thought I wouldn't watch, but was one of those whose name kept coming up listed amongst favorite movies of people I know or have met, so I figured I'd give it a chance. I first thought it to be just another mushy love story, but it had much more to offer, it was the story of two people fighting for their love through the years. The notebook is actually a collection of stories written down by a woman who is facing the troubles of Alzheimer's, as if it were a map given to the man she loves with a way for him to find her should she lose her way, on the notebook's dedication page she writes "read this to me and I'll come back to you". In time she does indeed come back to him, and they experience a glimmer of the love they have known for so long, only for her to once again become lost again during the course of loving conversation. I believe that the look of loss and heartbreak on the face of James Garner during that scene, will stay with me for all my years, I hope to one day work with the elderly in the field of Gerontology (my field of study in college), and the movie showed me just a little of the heartbreak that is most likely felt, I'll keep that image to guide me in how I go about trying to help. Many thanks to Mrs. T, who gave me the final nudge to watch what turned out to be a really good movie. (I saw it listed in her favorite movies when I visited her blog) Ok, I'll admit it, that movie gave me a lump in my throat, and... ahem..... that doesn't happen often. *LOL

Next is the movie Troy, though starring Brad Pitt (an actor who generally annoys me *LOL) I think he did a good job in the role of Achilles, plus it was good to see Peter O'Toole in a movie again, as he gave the movie some class. Diane Kruger was beautiful in her role as Helen, and worthy of a war being started. One thing about these period movies, Gladiator, Troy, Braveheart, etc, are the rallying speeches, sheesh, those are getting played out as I even saw one in the final Matrix movie with the robot gun things, *LOL another thing being played out in those movies about ancient times is the use of who my friends and I used to regard as "the toothache lady", the woman singing in nondescript phrasing such as "ahh.... awu.... arng.... aaaaeee.... ehawwooeeaa" during the scenes, she was there during Gladiator, and found her way to Troy too I guess... she sure gets around. I have only one wish about the movie, that they would have payed more attention to the detail of the god Apollo guiding the arrow to find it's mark in Achilles' heel. In one scene Achilles is shown to be desecrating the temple of Apollo, (he chopped the head off of his statue... that's askin' for trouble) and by the original epic poem Apollo did exact revenge by making use of Achilles' weak spot, it would have given more meaning to the whole final scene if Achilles had looked up to the giant statue of Apollo towering over him with a recognizing stare before he died.

For all you movie fans out there who wish you had a prop from your favorite movie, check out these sites:

The Propstore of London- Cool stuff of all sorts,
and an interesting site to browse.

Costume Prop armour like they use in movies,
they have the Achilles helmet from the movie Troy.

What have you seen lately? Please feel welcome to post your comments and let us know about the good ones or ones to avoid.

Monday, July 04, 2005

4th of July !

Happy 229th Birthday America !
and many more to come....

Though it's been a tough year, things are sure to get better.
I was putting my flag out this morning, when I saw a hawk gliding above in the morning breeze. Though it wasn't quite an eagle, I've never even seen one except for in pictures, it sure reminded me of why the eagle was chosen as our national bird, I couldn't help but stand and watch as the graceful creature caught the wind, so free.

A 4th of July hawk will do, I guess.

Wishing you all a Happy (and safe) 4th of July holiday !

Sunday, July 03, 2005

"Deep Impact" Follow-up

Good evening to all,
hope your weekend was a good one....
wow, it flew by so quickly.

Those of you who have been following the NASA project named "Deep Impact", might be wondering what time the event is said to occur. I dunno why it has been so difficult to find information as to when this thing is going to be happening, but from what I've found it should be sometime around 2am (United States Eastern time) on the morning on July 4th. For those of you not in the United States, it is approximately 7 hours from now (it is 6:13pm here at the moment) the collision of the space probe and the comet should be visible with the naked eye, and appear as a bright star in the Eastern sky (at least that's what I've heard). Still, I dunno how I feel about a project such as this, being done for the sake of "seeing what will happen". Messing with objects out there that aren't easily fixable isn't a good idea in my book. Just wanted to let any of you stargazers out there know about what will be going on early this morning while most everyone is asleep, as for me..... I'll have the telescope ready. *LOL

**Latest word: Update

Well, I stayed up to see what I could see, turned out that it was going to take place at 1:52am. I just got back in from standing outside, and actually did see something without my telescope, it wasn't a flash, and wasn't much more than what looked like a shooting star in the high Eastern sky. I waited a while, and not much more occurred. Though I did see what looked like a star get momentarily brighter, but it coulda just been regular twinklin' and my imagination filled in the rest. The telescope didn't help much. *LOL Anyhow, that's what I saw in relation to this story, Have a good day everybody !