Cool Guitar Stuff

Good afternoon to all, hope your day is going well !
Lately, I've been going through a bit of "guitar fever" again, that feeling that guitar players get when they know it's just about time to buy a new one or at least buy something. *LOL While searching the internet to see what I could find, I came across a few interesting items that I thought would be worth mentioning, so take a look if you play guitar (or know someone who does). The picture at left is of an amp made by a company called Songworks who really impressed me, at first glance at the name "Little Lanilei" I thought the amp to be a kids starter amp or such, but "ohhhh nooo it wasn't!" *LOL This deceivingly small box is a hand built and hand wired serious amplifier, tube power, and very cool. The more I read, the more I wanted one, so I emailed the company to get a bit more info and received a reply the very next day from the man who builds the amps! How's that for service? I was blown away. The company also makes an item called the "Rotary wave Speaker", it's a speaker box where the speaker spins inside, giving a vibrato effect. WOW ! That's something I've always wanted since I first heard of the old "Leslie Machines", though not a true leslie, the effect would be similar.
Fat Dawg Guitars was a California guitar shop I found online, kind of a cool old kooky shop where they make their own guitars to sell. If you've ever wanted an American made Danelectro, they can make ya one! Not just a Danelectro-ish body style, but one made from parts they bought in bulk when the Danelectro factory was closing. It won't be a vintage factory original, but is still very cool. Check out the guitar body styles they can make, it's simply amazin'!
At American Musical Supply, check out this Non-reverse Gibson Firebird with 3 Pickups, and Matching Headstock. I like the feel of the Firebird neck, kind of a wonky body design as it sits oddly when on your knee, but the sound of those mini humbucker pickups is always good! I like the pricing at that giant online store.
For a cool old shop to browse through and just drool, check out Gruhn Guitars! I spent alot of time at that site, nice vintage gear.
Looking for an upscale guitar shop (upscale meaning expensive boutique amps and such) these are the stores for you to browse through, it was cool to see the stuff they had, but sheesh I almost had to check my wallet to see if it was still there upon closing the site after browsing. *LOL I guess ya get what you pay for though, and their inventories were impressive. Check out MusicToys and Asharpmusicco. While at Asharpmusicco, check out the Speedster Deluxe 25 Watt Class-A Tube Amp, it was love at first sight for me. *LOL
If you know of any good guitar related places online, please let me know! I'm always interested in seeing good news stuff, and knowing what you think.